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Thread: MDI niggles

  1. #221
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    Quote Originally Posted by kennyc View Post
    Yeah not sure, i didn't change any settings on the RCD-510 and just copied them normally on itunes.
    Yours doesn't play in alphabetical order?
    Yes, they do play in alphabetical order, but I would prefer them to play in the sequence in which I originally copied them (one at a time) onto the USB pen-drive.

    Thinking about this a little more I've just realised what happened. I have a huge number of MP3s on my hard drive, the vast majority of which are non-commercial recordings. I listened to each one for a few seconds and decided whether or not to drag and drop it onto the USB drive. Listen, DnD, listen DnD etc.

    I played this in the car and it did indeed play in the order they were dropped onto the USB drive. However, some of the names of the tunes were so long that they would bleed off the end of the screen. So I took the USB drive out of the car and shoved it into a USB port on my PC at home. I went through and edited all of the names such that they would fit onto the screen. So, for example "dan_thompson_band_mandomadness_192_mix3" became "DTB Mando Madness". So having renamed most of the tunes on the USB drive the table of contents (TOC) was rewritten and that's why it now plays in alphabetical order. The only solution to this so far as I can see is to dump the tunes onto my HDD, erase the USB drive then drag the tunes back one by one in the order I want them to play in. I'll give this a burl over the weekend and report back.
    MY10 Golf MkVI 103TDI United Grey

  2. #222
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    Or, just rename the files with

  3. #223
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frankenstrat View Post
    Yes, they do play in alphabetical order, but I would prefer them to play in the sequence in which I originally copied them (one at a time) onto the USB pen-drive.

    Thinking about this a little more I've just realised what happened. I have a huge number of MP3s on my hard drive, the vast majority of which are non-commercial recordings. I listened to each one for a few seconds and decided whether or not to drag and drop it onto the USB drive. Listen, DnD, listen DnD etc.

    I played this in the car and it did indeed play in the order they were dropped onto the USB drive. However, some of the names of the tunes were so long that they would bleed off the end of the screen. So I took the USB drive out of the car and shoved it into a USB port on my PC at home. I went through and edited all of the names such that they would fit onto the screen. So, for example "dan_thompson_band_mandomadness_192_mix3" became "DTB Mando Madness". So having renamed most of the tunes on the USB drive the table of contents (TOC) was rewritten and that's why it now plays in alphabetical order. The only solution to this so far as I can see is to dump the tunes onto my HDD, erase the USB drive then drag the tunes back one by one in the order I want them to play in. I'll give this a burl over the weekend and report back.
    Sounds like user error .

    It has nothing to do with what order they are copied onto the USB. It may be worth making sure all the ID3 tags/file names are neat, and place each albums in it's own folder. You are able to brows by artist, album or song etc and will be in alphabetical order.

  4. #224
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    Quote Originally Posted by coreying View Post
    Or, just rename the files with
    Yes, that would certainly work, but I don't particularly want the numerical prefix to appear on the MDI screen. I'm a Virgoan, ergo pedantry is my raison d'etre.

    Quote Originally Posted by G-rig
    Sounds like user error
    Not sure I follow you there.

    It has nothing to do with what order they are copied onto the USB.
    I could have faulty recall regarding the original order the MP3s played in (pre-renaming), but I feel certain that it was the same order in which they were dragged individually not en-masse onto the USB-drive.

    So until I conduct my experiment over the weekend I can neither confirm nor refute your statement. All of the MP3s were placed in the root directory of the USB drive, no albums/folders/sub-directories. The MP3s on my HDD are in alphabetical order and in various directories. Of course, I could click on the Date Modified column in Windows Explorer and the MP3s would appear in chronological order.
    MY10 Golf MkVI 103TDI United Grey

  5. #225
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    I don't have the MDI, so I can't test anything, but if the files are actually tagged properly, will it display the file name or the MP3 ID Title?
    If it displays the title, but still uses the file name as the order, that would resolve your issue perfectly.

  6. #226
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    Quote Originally Posted by AdamD View Post
    I have a genuine Honda iPod controller for my iPod in my Accord Euro, and it does the same things. I use an iPod Classic 6.5 gen (current model, 120G HDD), and if it's been powered down for some time - perhaps 2 days or more - it takes a long time to wake up; by the time it becomes responsive, the Honda controller reports an error about the device.

    To get around this, I always switch to tuner mode before I turn the car off, so when I start the car again, it's not trying to read from the iPod immediately.

    As for the stuttering/pausing, I have that from time to time as well, and have attributed it to the iPod disk spinning up, seeking and buffering the track. Sometimes the iPod becomes unresponsive as well, and needs hard-rebooting followed by playback with headphones inserted before it'll play music. Bloody annoying.
    I have the same iPod as you
    Having had it for a year or so now - and having had other mp3 players before it (like the Creative Zen),
    I have reached the following conclusion:

    iPod is rubbish

    I now refer to any apple products as 'handbags' since they're just designer gadgets rather than proper tech

    If you're having issues with the MDI / iPod - I'd look at the iPod

    Incidentally, my work vehicle (Hyundai i30 - yeh, I know) also supports USB devices like iPod.
    I don't yet have my new GTI (within a month now I hope) so I haven't tested the MDI, but the iPod interface on the Hyundai is awful.
    Rather... the iPod isn't set up to be used the way the Hyundai wants to use it - which is just simple Folder/File names rather than ID3 tags
    I think if I put music on my iPod with Winamp rather than iTunes (which I hate anyway) it would alleviate this problem as I could use sensible file names and a sensible directory structure, rather than the totally meaningless system that iTunes uses.
    But it's easier to just load a 4GB usb stick with songs and whack it in. I don't have to manually shut down the iPod then either
    Last edited by Karlosovic; 26-05-2010 at 04:56 PM.
    VW Driver

  7. #227
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    It's not the iPod otherwise it would do it when listening to headphones.

    Which other players have 80-160Gb? There weren't any for ages.

  8. #228
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    Quote Originally Posted by G-rig View Post
    It's not the iPod otherwise it would do it when listening to headphones.

    Which other players have 80-160Gb? There weren't any for ages.
    The ipod interface that you use when listening to it standalone is different to the ipod interface that VW have to interface to. Apple put a heap of restrictions on what can and can't be controlled via the interface and limit the data that is sent to the head unit. Apple also change these restrictions at times when can cause problems with headunits etc that used to work fine. Especially with the video out of the ipods this has been very problematical with Apple changing the specs a number of times.

    Apple used to make a big thing about sticking it to the man (IBM) and ran quite a few ads along this time. Steve Jobs should look in the mirror because Apple has become everything they claimed they were not and then some. Their locked in hardware, poorly implemented features (to entice uses to the new model in 12 months), slow development and lacklustre development staff are only matched by the fanbois that rush out to buy the latest hardware just because it has the Apple logo. This isn't about bashing Apple but pointing out that Apple are a company that limit access to their hardware, make frequent changes without any notice, will do anything to capitalise on their captive audience and try to make out that they are an innovative company when they're not.

    A 320gb 2.5" external hard will run from the MDI and costs around $50. It works without any of the problems of the ipod nor are you locked in to itunes and all the drm etc. The solution for the ipod problem is there but it requires you to make the move.

  9. #229
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maverick View Post
    A 320gb 2.5" external hard will run from the MDI and costs around $50. It works without any of the problems of the ipod nor are you locked in to itunes and all the drm etc. The solution for the ipod problem is there but it requires you to make the move.
    There are only two problems with that plan. MP3 isn't gapless and mp3 are limited to 320kbps. Normally speaking would be good enough for portable/car use but may defeat the point of upgrading the stereo.

    Anyway it worked properly with the previous MDI that we installed so my bet is that the new VW firmware has stuffed it up and would be worth reverting back to the previous version if possible as it works flawlessly before (same ipod too 5.5G & same 3G iphone).

    Apple is fking annoying and itunes even moreso , will eventually do away with both. Just like when they changed to 5V and a lot of head units or chargers wouldn't charge the iphone.

    All my music is flac and can convert it to whatever format i want using dBpowerAMP music & batch converter.

    If people are entitled to complain about small rattles then i can for this LOL. VW owners are fussy people.

  10. #230
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maverick View Post
    A 320gb 2.5" external hard will run from the MDI and costs around $50. It works without any of the problems of the ipod nor are you locked in to itunes and all the drm etc. The solution for the ipod problem is there but it requires you to make the move.
    I'd be interested to see how long an external hdd would last in car with all of the associated vibrations and bumps. The tolerances that the moving parts are built to are no where near as robust as USB memory, however we should see the price / storage equation improve significantly in the next 12 months.

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