^ The reason they invented the Automatic car.
OK SO I HAVE BIG ASS ORANGUTAN FEET!!! Don't judge!! They go with my abundant hands which by the way probably wouldn't appear out of place on a well fed Gibbon.
Ok, I've calmed down now..... Guess this really is just me, I really don't get it, and it was one of the factors that ultimately took part in me changing my mind on the car. So strange. I must just sit so close that I stick my legs up under the dash. Come to think of it, I did keep bumping my chin on the steering wheel....... Hmmmm............... thanks all.. at peace now.
^ The reason they invented the Automatic car.
I have clipped the top of my shoe on something under the dash on a couple of occasions. Looking at it more closely, there is really not much room down there and you will get your foot caught if you use the brake pedal with anything other than the top third of your foot.
I also find the clutch and brake pedals a tad close to one another. A couple of times when going to press the clutch while braking, my left foot has just grazed my right foot causing the brake to be applied a bit harder. Annoying but the feet seem to work it out after a while and learn where not to go.
While I'm at it, when I first got the car, I found the gear stick went too close to the dash. The ends of my fingers would sometimes touch it. Doesn't happen anymore though.
MY 12 Golf GTI