I agree that the insurance companies have weird criteria in working out cost. I currently have a 2004 GolfMK4 generation 1.6 litre Curretnyl insued for about $400 with budget direct. The market value is around $13000 to $14000.
When I check the online insurance with SGIO (in WA I think they are part of NRMA) They want to charge me $619 for the same car. IF I change the car to a Golf6 118TSI current year they charge $478 and if I cahnge it to a 2009 MK5 GTI they say $445 ... so their logic is the newer or more expensive and faster the car the cheaper the insurance ?????
How can a 5 year old car with 1/3 or less of the values of the others cost so much more to insure!
What are your thoughts on Market value vs agreed/set value???
Ex - MkVI Golf 118TSI Lemon owner!
Found that some insurance companies don't have the 1.4L 118TSI on their system yet so they automatically quote for the 1.4L turbo....... problem is if you have an accident and they find out your car is twin charged they may not pay out....... hence the reason some of you may be getting low insurance quotes..... be careful!!! I'm 33 and never had an accident or claim yet my insurance is also around $1200 even though the car is less powerful than the GTI.
Tiggy 125TSI, 6 speed manual, tints, comfort pack.
2 drivers, 32 years old, rating 1, $355 AAMI
The lower premium on the newer more expensive vehicle relates to claim history on that type of vehicle. New car no claims yet thus the lower index. So I am told.
My dealer matched YOUI at $520 for the Golf with the VW Allianz policy which has 3 years new for old replacement warranty. I took it.
2018 Skoda Superb TDI
2010 Skoda Superb TDI
2009 Golf VI 118 TSI
2006 Multivan TDI SOLD
Well you car obviously loses X amount of value once it leaves the lot so if you want to cover the price of a new car( including delivery fees/tax etc), and you don't have a policy that does a Xyears new car replacement, then its best to go with set value. The downside is higer premiums. Once the car is a few year old I'd just go for market value.