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Thread: The Indicator Stalk Thread

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Quote Originally Posted by mfl View Post
    2. when overtaking on country roads, where I need to downshift to a lower gear to overtake. I don't want to stay behind a slower car in 3rd or 4th, while waiting to overtake.

    and as others have said, how many lhd cars have their indicators on the right hand side of the steering column. - VW isn't the only culprit though, the XR5 Focus, I test drove had the same issue.
    You can't tell me the decision to overtake, change down and indicate all happen in a second?
    If you leave enough distance to the car/truck you are going to overtake there is ample time to decide to overtake, change down (if required) and then indicate to pull out. If there isn't then I suggest that there isnt asafe buffer to overtake.

    PS... I think you will find that all new european built or market cars have the indicators on the left.

  2. #22
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    With the indicator on the right and the gear change on the left you do have the option of indicating and changing gears at the same time and in traffic it happens often. The present European car set up in Aust doesn't give you that option. It's a poor reflection on all European manufacturers that they are too cheap-skate to spend the money on a conversion simply because the ADR's don't demand it.

    And has been said before, car manufacturers don't design their cars the way the Aust Golf and other European sourced models are presented here because they know it is the illogical and ergonomically inferior way.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by pologti18t View Post
    PS... I think you will find that all new european built or market cars have the indicators on the left.
    In Europe, of course, and the gear change is on the right.

  4. #24
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    Then the only logical way is to reject any european product that failed to comply... rather than buying and putting up with it... why are we still here then?

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by rs73 View Post
    Then the only logical way is to reject any european product that failed to comply... rather than buying and putting up with it... why are we still here then?
    Of course not. It's not a reflection on the Golf but on the attitude of the European manufacturers. It's no more than a minor annoyance and certainly not a deal breaker.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by coreying View Post
    mfl, what is your left hand doing before you move it to the gear shifter to change gears?
    Yes I could put the indicator on first and then the put car in 1st gear if my hand was on the steering wheel at the time,(if not on the gear shift already) but with indicator on the right hand side you can do both at once, which what I am (was) used to doing,

    as for overtaking Pologti8t, on most occasions on the narrow winding roads (no overtaking lanes) on that I sometimes drive down the south coast, yes you don't have much time to decide,(in order to allow yourself a safe overtaking buffer) a s even in a GTI. Unless you want to be stuck doing 80km/h in the few 100km/h zones that are available.

    on the longer stretches of country roads, I don't even bother down-shifting, there is enough torque in 6th gear to overtake safely.

    as others have said its an annoyance, rather than a deal breaker.
    Last edited by mfl; 28-09-2010 at 08:49 AM.
    mk VI GTI, manual, reflex silver, basic

  7. #27
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    Well, I'll respectfully disagree with both mfl and Mountainman. I drive a manual Polo GTI, the indicator is on the left, and I love it being there. I don't have either problem that you guys have, and in fact, I feel that it makes driving a manual easier because it is on the left. My right hand always stays on the steering wheel and my left hand operates both the indicators and gear shifts. I don't know, maybe I can think about more things are once or think a little further ahead or faster than you guys, but I really don't have this problem. I would be disappointed if they did change it to the right.

  8. #28
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    I don't really care much which side they're on, but I DO wish they'd standardise.

    We have both and I swap between them (the petrol car is better if just going to the shops) — I always have to think which car I'm in before indicating. When we both had Jap cars it needed no special thought, you just did it with a flick of a finger from the wheel.

    After all, it wasn't a problem for the industry to standardise pedal layouts (even Ford accomplished it when they scrapped the Model T) — would it be any harder to do the same with at least the safety-related switchgear?

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by coreying View Post
    maybe I can think about more things are once or think a little further ahead or faster than you guys, but I really don't have this problem.
    With respect Coreying, maybe our driving styles and road conditions a little different to yours as our opinions and preferences.
    mk VI GTI, manual, reflex silver, basic

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by coreying View Post
    Well, I'll respectfully disagree with both mfl and Mountainman. I drive a manual Polo GTI, the indicator is on the left, and I love it being there. I don't have either problem that you guys have, and in fact, I feel that it makes driving a manual easier because it is on the left. My right hand always stays on the steering wheel and my left hand operates both the indicators and gear shifts. I don't know, maybe I can think about more things are once or think a little further ahead or faster than you guys, but I really don't have this problem. I would be disappointed if they did change it to the right.
    I think I might be on the same boat as you here, driven cars in the past with the indicator on the right but only recently owned a European car with the indicator on the left with my GTI Pirelli. Even though it's DSG, it's a breeze to drive with my right hand always on the wheel and left hand to indicate, I would imagine if it's a manual it would be far easier to have your right hand dedicated to the steering wheel and the left hand for shifting and indicating. Horses for courses I guess.
    MKV GTI Pirelli

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