Originally Posted by
As I said... being a manual driver, the indicator on the left is awesome. If I had a DSG, then I wouldn't care which side it was on.
Sorry, but I disagree - the indicator is an annoyance because there are times when changing lanes when:
1. you come to a quick stop in laned traffic and you need to change lanes, ie, select 1st gear and put the indicators on quickly or you miss the gap and
2. when overtaking on country roads, where I need to downshift to a lower gear to overtake. I don't want to stay behind a slower car in 3rd or 4th, while waiting to overtake.
and as others have said, how many lhd cars have their indicators on the right hand side of the steering column. - VW isn't the only culprit though, the XR5 Focus, I test drove had the same issue.
Last edited by mfl; 27-09-2010 at 09:36 PM.
mk VI GTI, manual, reflex silver, basic