No, abuse and I notice that the moderators seem to tolerate it if it suits them. I'm not the touchy one here - you're the one who seemed to get upset by my post that didn't even address you and somehow got you feelings hurt.
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lol wow what a thread, i tend to agree with mountainman though on this one ;)
It's rather annoying going from a Jap car to the VW which I do daily and accidently turning on the wipers and I am not sure why anyone would prefer the indicator on the left side even in a manual. I think this is mostly a case of VW can do no wrong, if VW supplied people with square wheels I am sure certain people in this thread would agree square wheels are the best thing out there so much better than the round ones!
At the end of the day VW aren't going to do anything about it as they don't have to, the market here is too small for them to care so unless there's a requirement for cars to have the indicator on the right hand side I am sure we will be stuck with it ;)
Since there are far more left hand drive cars in the world than right hand drive cars, if there were to be a standard on which side the indicator stalk were to be on, it'd be the left....
FYI interesting left v right world map...
File:Countries driving on the left or right.svg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(in case the pic above didnt work....)
And of course you can have an opinion and it has to be correct but not me?
Well mine is that the indicator should be changed to the oppisite side of the gearchange depending on whether it is right or left hand drive. The Japanese manufacturers don't seem to have too much trouble with that concept.
If it's such a big issue and so easy to change for us, why don't you change it youself on your car instead of annoying us about it?
It's not a big issue and could easily be fixed by VW if they chose to spend the money on it or were forced to by regulation. There is no need to annoy you because you don't have to read this. You just seem to have annoyed yourself. And just what are you annoyed about? Is it that your car has the indicators on the wrong side? Or is it that you are one of those people who would accept square wheels if VW provided them like Jasonpb said?
I have just expressed an opinion that is backed up by the world car manufacturers and all I seem to get back is abuse from those who disagree because they either don't like to hear that
It doesn't mean that I can't express an opinion about it though. That the Euro manufacturers aren't about to change something they don't have to do doesn't mean to say some of us can't live in hope. And like Ryan_R you don't have to read this thread or add you abuse to it. Perhaps it's time for a moderator to step in and close it because none of this has added to the discussion other than to give some people who can't help themselves a forum to abuse.