Patience man

As I've said elsewhere, I got my VIN on 28/09. It was maybe available to the dealer a few days to a week before that, but my guy was on holidays. It then didn't appear on the tracking side until it was loaded onto the vessel on the 9/10 (although that is Europe time, so it was the morning of 10/10 for us).
There are so many variables though:
Checkpoint 8, when you receive your VIN, is BEFORE production is finished.
So there is the variable of how much longer production has to run
Then how long it needs to wait to be placed on a train and sent to the dock.
Then how long it sits at the dock before it gets loaded on the vessel.
It is only WHEN it is actually "scanned" when the warfie is driving your car onto the ramp of the vessel, that your car will appear on the W&W site.
So we're talking, a MINIMUM of 12 days, up to possibly 30 days... lets say with an "average" of around 17 days.