:dance: The Torrens is almost at Durban, a few hours here then off to Fremantle :banana:
November 30 delivery is looking promising!
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:dance: The Torrens is almost at Durban, a few hours here then off to Fremantle :banana:
November 30 delivery is looking promising!
I have joined the desperadoes - reading shipping logs now!!!!!!
I used to read car reviews
Wouldn't it be cool if there was a screen you could load as a home page which highlighted our ships as dots on the globe we could stare at and get realtime upgrades?
I think I need another scotch
So the Morning Camilla has been in and out of East London and is now only a few hours from Durban. I'm not sure what is going on with the Marine Traffic site, but I believe they're having issues with AIS updates... or at least updates from the Morning Camilla (though looking in the port of Durban, there is only a single vessel, so I think that maybe the site is having issues).
In any case, she appears to be on schedule from the original W&W voyage details. After porting in Durban today, she'll leave and head across the Indian Ocean bound for Fremantle.
Well now she's left Durban and is heading across the Indian Ocean to Fremantle, the first stop in Australia. I'm not sure there are any small islands with AIS towers that the Morning Camilla will pass along her way, so she may be off the radar again for the next 11 days until she ports in Perth. Oh man!
Otello going through Point Lonsdale to Melbourne port
Based on the dodgy AIS tracking over the last few days it looks like she hit the 50km boundary on tracking out of Durban, so I think it's a sure bet we will see diddly squat until the boys in Perth start telling us that they've "wet their pants"in about 11 days time !
Also, being in Adelaide, how do you guys think I'm going to feel knowing that the ship is going to cruise straight past Adelaide without stopping when it goes from Perth to Melbourne ! and then have to wait for my car to be sent backwards to me !
They should have a helicopter plucking the cars from the ship, then delivering directly to the dealerships! Hahaha.......I know....in my dreams :)