It's just the wait is killing me, even more so now a lot of guys cars on there way already.. i'm checking the tracking site pretty much on the hour every hour...the next ship to Australia leaves today!!
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Get used to it!
Even when your car is on the boat, you'll have DAYS where it isn't in range for tracking (up to 11 in the one hit depending on route). Then once it arrives you'll have 14 to 21 days (10 to 15 business) for all the stuff between the docks and you. So yeah, having it appear on the tracking site hasn't made things any easier :)
This tracking business seriously makes it worse! I think it was better (if only slightly) before when I had no farken idea what was happening. Now I know it "exists", I just want to drive the bastard!
I reckon in about 6 weeks time, this site is going to be a "ghost town" because many of us will have our bums glued to the seats of our shiny new toys that we're frustratingly waiting on arrival on the Morning Camilla. :cool: ........ Prodigy - we'll try to drop in just to make sure you aren't too lonely :banana:
:banana: Guys, Morning Camilla is back in range and is about to cruise past Dakar !
At least some of you guys have your cars on a boat already... lucky bastards, some of us haven't even got a build date yet lol! Boohoo :(