1. Customer Contract Date 08/03/10
2. Order Entry Dealer System 09/03/10
3. Order Entry NADIN 09/03/10
4. Order Registration IFA 08/03/10
5. Buildability Check 08/03/10
6. SGW Rebooking 31/03/10
7. Current SGW Determination 19/03/10
8. Allocation of Production Plant 24/03/10
9. Handover to Production 31/03/10
10. Start Body Shell Shop
11. End Body Shell Shop
12. Start Paint Shop
13. End Paint Shop
14. Start Final Assembly
15. Checkpoint 8 Handover to Sales 22/04/10
16. Start Service Shop
17. End Service Shop
18. Exit Production Plant 27/04/10
19. Arrival Port of Shipment 30/04/10
20. Departure Port of Shipment 10/05/10
21. Departure Last Port of Transit
22. Arrival at Port of Destination 20/06/10
23. Departure from Port of Destination 20/06/10
24. Arrival at Final Destination 21/06/10
25. Departure From Final Destination
26. Arrival at Dealer
27. Delivery to Customer