Yep that is correct, you will not get your VIN until the car has been built and even then give it a few days...
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The last i heard from my dealer, the ship with my GTI was due in Sydney on 30-May-2010
Anyone else waiting on a car on this shipment?
Anyone know what the boat is called... or if it's still on schedule for the 30th ?
For those waiting for cars the TOSCANA is back in range and off the cost of cape town in south africa.
It doesn't look to be delayed just yet. It is still scheduled for a 14th of June docking in Melbourne.
Oberon just left Fremantle and is heading for Melbourne....due on Monday :banana:
Am I the only one with a car on the Oberon??
Hi guys, just got my VIN from the dealer but it is not showing up on the tracker yet. I presume there is a gap between getting your VIN and the car making it onto the ship, hence the delay. Correct ?