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I ordered on the 31st March, got a week 18 build which left Production on the 29th April, I expect to get the car early July. I takes about 6-7 weeks for the ship carrying the car to get out here, and 3 weeks to clear customs and your dealer to get it ready for delivery.
I agree you are getting screwed, if you want to throw it in check your contract with regards to their obligations to a delivery date.
according to the contract the car has to be delivered within 30 day of the estimated delivery date which was the 20th of may, and if not I can cancel the contract and get my deposit back, It just gets me that the first I heard about this delay was a week before I was due to pick it up. Pretty poor customer service
Ah, so glad I went with good ol' red. ;)
There'll be a few of us picking up our SA GTIs in the near future; time for a nice hills cruise methinks!
Crow - if you don't mind my asking, did you go through Medindie or Hawthorn? (I bought from Medindie.) Mine arrives in Melbourne on Thursday so it's likely ours will be delivered within a few days of each other (mine has no dealer accessories to be fitted).
I am sad that SA dealers could not price match with Victoria's prices. It's a shame as I would have bought it here. I think Carbon steel would be a popular colour regret now not getting silver I think it will be too hot in the car with in the summer with carbon steel colour. :(
I presented my SA dealer with a very competitive quote from an interstate (NSW) dealer, and they beat it - if only marginally - on the spot. Given the extra convenience of dealing locally, I was more than happy to do the deal. Considering the lack of VW dealerships in SA, I was pleasantly surprised by the ease with which I got a great price.
I won't go into the details of my deal here, but suffice to say I'm satisfied with it, and I do think it's worthwhile paying a little above rock bottom in SA to establish a good relationship with your dealer. Of course this is only my view, and I'm sure others see it differently.
Exactly. I'm not at all surprised that SA dealers can't match the prices. I'd say that their delivery costs for the cars (possibly trucked from Melbourne) are more expensive than interstate dealers.
If the ships actually dock in a port in SA, then maybe the purchase costs are higher for them to account for the increased shipping costs.
Agreed, that's a huge gap, and one you wouldn't want to accept.
SA wouldn't have demanded above retail from you, so either way, you got an excellent deal from Vic, and by the sounds of things, the SA dealer you spoke to wasn't interested in dealing.
I guess the only point I'd make is that you get that situation everywhere - some dealers who stubbornly refuse to budge, and others who will offer you a competitive price. SA is no different, and it is possible to get a good price here, but perhaps in some circumstances it takes extra time and persistence.