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Was there a specified delivery date in the contract?
If not then you probably dobn't have a leg to stand on.
If you have written correspondence then you could try showing them and advising that you are now worse off as you had prepped for your new car and it is now not being delivered until August so you are out of pocket etc but i don't know howeffectively that will work.
Might be best to talk to some of the dealers on here (Central coast vw, Dermot etc) and see if they can help you out.
We received our VIN from our dealer with no prompting required a week or so after we put down our deposit. Ours was manufactured a few weeks prior and was about to be be on the ship at the time of ordering.
my dealer didn't give me VIN even though I asked for it...not sure why they are reluctant in not giving it out.. however dealer confirmed may delivery 2 times...
Don Quijote due Fremantle 6:30am tomorrow, 15/5 Port Kembla 8am.
night_flight, the dealer should give you the VIN as the insurance company will want to know.
yeah i guess I only will take insurance once the truck drops it off in front of my door hence find out the VIN at that stage with 30 other A4 papers....
For all those with cars on the Toba - it docks in Melbourne at 2:30 (Vic time) Saturday morning - my GTI will be on Australian soil by tea time. Catch it passing through the headland webcams at midnight or thereabouts - if you can see it.
Well actually docked at 3:47am but I was having some zzz's by then and did not see it and of course none of the webcams in the port pick up the ship.
This is a picture of the Toba leaving Melbourne - 1 awesome GTI (mine) lighter plus some other cars. :banana: