Hey mate,read your post and had to make a comment in regards to the missing sat nav you mentioned. Sounds like it's a common thing. Up here in Townsville a CW Golf R just came into stock with same thing! Strange hey?!
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Hey mate,read your post and had to make a comment in regards to the missing sat nav you mentioned. Sounds like it's a common thing. Up here in Townsville a CW Golf R just came into stock with same thing! Strange hey?!
Of course it's common... where do you think all these RNS510's that forum members get off ebay for far below even the German VW cost come from? It's obviously not legitimate channels, lol
Nathan just mentioned that he had heard of a car, not sure if he meant one on theirs (Wakelings) but he did mention it. If it was yours then I believe you should be compensated for the delay as it is not your fault and the dealers country wide should be having something to say about the security of their goods being delivered if it is such a big issue..... Its all logistics, all supply chain, they need to sort such a security problem out if it is causing BIG problems, losses of any type and dissatisfied customers.
People say it is out of their hands, not the dealers, but if the dealers and VA don't at least try and control the problem then they should be taking the responsibility.... Kind of like using a dodgy company to provide coffee beans, etc etc, letting people die or live below the poverty line to get your coffee is your responsibility as you make the choice as to weather you buy it or not in the knowledge that these practices happen.... it's called consumerism and the power of the consumer as a collective - I'll get off my box now!!!
It is a bit sad to think that there are people able to get away with removing equipment from new cars, even before delivery to the dealer.... sad.... they should crack down on this at the wharves, increase security, as this is just wrong! Just another reason wharfies get a bad name too .... who is ever going to support them when they do this kind of stuff.....
I don't have a SATNAV in mine, but sure hope they don't take the stereo out.
I am anxious to hear that the dealer has the car now and it is all in one piece.
Thanxs again GP.
I did ask the dealer last week in no uncertain way if my car had been damaged or had some similar issue and she assured me NO...but why would she do the right thing and tell me if it had?, then I could have made an informed decision about what I wanted to do. The last few weeks have really taken much of the joy out of this experience for me!. I agree too there should be some compensation for whoever's car is delayed due to any damage and the buyer should be TOLD if the car has had to have some form of repair, otherwise it is fraud, pure and simple.....Some my laugh it off and say it is common practice but it should NOT be.
I wonder if the Candy white golf R's new owner will know it has already had some console instrumentation replaced??
I think I may conatct VWA directly and ask for verification that my car has not been delayed due to such reasons.
Anyone know the number for VWA head office???
If you saw how the cars were loaded on to the ships into areas that are sealed off you'd realise there is no way for the crew of the ship to have easy access to the cars. Not to mention they would pickup whoever was doing it when the cars were unloaded and the headunits were noticed missing.
A friend of a friend story, hardly something that you can rely on, having said that wharfies do have a reputation but there are easy ways to make money on the side then stripping out parts of cars that have a limited market in Australia.Quote:
Will also happen if the car spends too much time on the docks.
I once knew a guy who had a friend on the docks, and he has seen the boxes full of nice gear knobs and stereos they have pulled out of cars.
VWA will tell you nothing and the dealer will tell you nothing as at the end of the day it's none of your business, cars are repaired at the factory and cars can be repaired before they get to the dealer but unless this damage is major they have no reason or obligation to disclose anything to you. Cars rarely get damaged on the ships as they are tied down and if they do suffer damage it's very minor during the drive off the ship or during the compliance process and might be a new alloy wheel or a piece of trim.
You signed a contract for a car and this is what the dealer and VW are going to deliver to you. Volkswagen are not going to offer compensation on top of fixing your car, the same applies when it's under warranty if something goes wrong. It sucks that your car has been delayed but there isn't anything you can do about it, if you had put some clauses in the contract you would have some grounds but really all you can do is wait.
Thanks for that Maverick...but
I was under the impression that such blogs were here for people to ask questions,air grievances or concerns, and perhaps to help those who experience similar difficulties now or in the future? I know I have learnt a few valuable facts from others who have shared experiences and thoughts.......
And just maybe to let others know they are not the only ones experiencing 'unexplained' delays.
In my occupation I am accountable for everything I do, or do not do for that matter, and transparency in communication is expected.
I expect the same in any other service provider....forgive me.
Sorry Maverick - I disagree in part with what you are saying.
VWA or the dealer may not want to help their customers to understand what is going on with the product that the customer just dished out a truck load of cash for and has eagerly tracked for the past 6-8 weeks but they SHOULD be accountable an inform their customers.
This is like any other product, it should be provided to the customer in AS NEW condition, not modified or changed. If there is no damage or no change in quality to a vehicle that say has a stereo removed at the wharves and then replaced in an as new condition then I dont see a problem with that and agree with that - though still this should NOT be happening in the first place....further.... the customer should still be notified of any issues if the issue is going to cause a delay - full stop. It is called transparency and communication and helps to control, improve and resolve customer relations.
On another note - if your car was promised to you in 3 weeks time and you got it in 5 weeks time, I think this is probably excusable to some extent, as long as the reasons are given. However if you are a customer and have been waiting some extra 4-5 or more weeks and perhaps don't have a means of transport as you have sold your previous vehicle in the understanding you would have your car by a contracted date then I think there is an issue there.
I agree this forum is here to be helpful and help those who are looking for answers. Perhaps those who have received their cars (may be done here somewhere already - should be sticky noted as it is a critical information stream I feel for new buyers) can post up their experiences from day 1 to pick up of their car. This would give new buyers all the info they need and what to expect. Expectations can be a funny thing - if you have the right expectations in the beginning then you are better prepared to make the right decision and also NOT to go out and bash dealers and VWA for that for no reason, or your unrealistic expectations...
As for contracts - what contract? I have received a contract via email and have never signed a thing. I however have every intention to purchase my car, even if the contract did not exist as I am quite happy with the service I have received to date from PW and Nathan and would recommend Nathan, as I have to anyone else purchasing a car. This is because he has been friendly, informative, polite, helpful and provided a good price and service. This is how I believe it should work - good service and quality means people come back again.... poor service and quality and you get no returns and no references...
Cheers and good luck to everyone out there waiting (in the final stages in particular) for their car. I hope you receive good service and quality and if you don't let us all know - in fairness to the dealer though, we don't need to create a dealer bashing forum here that deals unnecessary negative impact to someone who does not deserve it...
Has anyone received or got a pick up date for their car which recently arrived in Port Kembla on the Morning Carol yet?