Another Boheme delivery here - discharged at Port of Brisbane on Monday. The loss of contact between Durban and Fremantle was a killer, lol.Quote:
Originally Posted by Mashes
Can't wait to get the call telling me she's ready to go :D
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Another Boheme delivery here - discharged at Port of Brisbane on Monday. The loss of contact between Durban and Fremantle was a killer, lol.Quote:
Originally Posted by Mashes
Can't wait to get the call telling me she's ready to go :D
I can track the car!!!!
Mine is on TOREADOR. Due to get to Melb 06/05/2011! I'm so excited!!!!!
Damn, looks like our next hope might be the Texas departing 1/4/11:(
Hey m_f , out of curiosity, when did your car exit production?
For those of you who, like me, were frustrated when our boat was not trackable on AIS Marine Traffic, try this site: Ships at sea: positions and weather observations
You just need your vessel's name. Mine (Manon) is trackable.
That's a OK alternative site
It doesn't _really_ track the ships. It can ONLY show "real time trackable data" if the AIS site can. Mainly because, it gets the "real time trackable data" from the AIS site.
The advantage of the Ships At Seas site is, that if a ship which is out of range of the AIS services "calls in a weather report", then the position on that site updates. BUT it's also a disadvantage, because you THINK your ship is somewhere where it isn't, because they're just showing the last place that it gave a weather update until it then shows up on the AIS services again, in which case, the AIS Traffice site will show it anyway...
The Ships At Sea website explains this in its "disclaimer"...
Thanks, Corey_R
It's just that I have only seen the Manon on one day on the AIS site (Off Dakar on the West African coast) since I started looking last week (altho' a fishing boat called the Manon regularly appears!). I hear what you are saying but certainly the updates from the Manon to Ships at Sea unquestionably are far more frequent than its updates on AIS (unless, of course, I happen to look (often, as we do when we are following our cars) just at those particular moments when it isn't on AIS).
Yeah - you may be lucky that Manon is calling in regular weather updates....
But the reason we don't have Ships At Season listed on our "How to track your car" links is because it's extremely hit and miss.
As Ships At Sea states, their source of data is the weather updates. If a ship does not call in weather updates, then it will not be in their database. For example. My car came on the Morning Camilla, and SaS doesn't find it. The last ship these guys was talking about, the TOREADOR, is on SaS, but hasn't updated since October last year.
It's just very hit and miss... whereas the AIS site will always show you the last "real time tracking position" of all ships.