Great news, sorted! On the same ship as mine!
Mind at ease, right. A lot harder for salesperson to be punk right in your face.
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howdy - instead of giving a build DATE, the Germans count things logically and have written the build week as WEEK:4 DAY:3 YEAR:2011
So would that be the 19th of Jan or 26th of Jan? depending on if you count Saturday Jan 1st, as a build week.
Edit: so assuming it takes 3 weeks to build, would that make the March/April arrival date?
Also the VIN is the vehicle ID right? :)
Hey SuperHans. Week 4, day 3 should be 19/01. In which case VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) should be available to the dealer - please get hold of it. Then you can track the shipping.
Both aVex and mine were built on 20/01 and got onto the Morning Conductor. So it is likely that yours in on the same ship too. In which case, it is off the North African coast on its way to South Africa.
It's super slow, travelling at approx. 30km/h and will only dock in Port Elizabeth South Africa on the 15th Feb.
I wonder when is it going to appear again on the radar...last location update was more than 24 hrs.
lol... how fast do you think those ships go?
They can also be off the radar for up to 12 days at a time (assuming they don't stop somewhere out of the signal zone and layup for weather).
Just try and pass the time by researching accessories or something. Or better yet, find another hobby to keep you away from this site and not looking at the ships for the next two months!
Cool, well hopefully it is on the Morning Conductor! :) I've got the Vehicle ID (guessing VIN is short for Vehicle ID), but its coming back with "no records" when I seach for it in the Cargo ID field of but maybe its not updated yet or something like that
No, the Vehicle ID is not the VIN. The Chassis Number is the VIN.
The Vehicle ID might be something like:
The Chassis Number (VIN) for the same vehicle will be:
If you don't have the Chassis number, you could maybe try just getting rid of the "1KBW" from the Vehicle ID and putting in the rest and see if that is found.
Odd that you can't find your track and trace yet. It should look something like this below.
Well, hopefully it pops up for you soon.
Thanks Corey, The Chassis # and Vehicle ID # are very similar expect without the WVWZZZ the front by the looks of it.
It still gets the "no records found"
I also searched the last 6 numbers, but it only showed results of previous journeys.
I guess its going to be a vessle later on... no biggy, already waited over 2 months, so another 2.5 should be easy :)
Hey Markwid, your build must have finished on the 20th, and mine probably started on the 19th (or even 26th) or can they actually build the car in only 6 days? (looking at your cargo details)
Still, thanks for your help guys, this site is a gold mine!
Yeah - there's also the missing "Z" in the "1KZB" which is different between the VIN and ID. But I wouldn't stress yet. Probably just means that your car is on the next ship :)