I hate to say it but the GOLF has not seemed perfect from the factory for a lot of people.
I mean, sure, my car gives me more enjoyment than the other cars I could have bought - but things like DSG gears slips, this light warning, and leaking doors appear to wreck the EURO ideal a bit, especially that these arenow acknowledged by a lot of people.
I had 4 WRXs and never had a problem with any of them (and the windows didnt blow your ear drums out when you had them down either) except in the 3G models a know issue is the rear detachable parcel tray blind thing gets a bit loose and rattles either being replaced or tightened to fix.
BUT on the flip side, some MY09 WRX were known to have spun bearing issues, which is pretty serious stuff. To Subaru's credit, they immediately issued a notice to all dealers for a full engine replacement if this happened.
The BMW 3series coupe we had also had a problem. (although only one

). They all seemed to have the pillar trim glue become weak and drop down the trim around the windows.
I have seen other poor sods who have had this happened to them in the 100K car.
My point?; all cars have their problems.
Even ultra reliable or really expensive ones.