Check the fine print, if your vehicle sale contract has a term allowing the dealer to adjust the price according to manufacturer or statutory price changes occurring after the contract becomes binding but before you take delivery, check to see if it says the dealer 'may' or 'will' change the price accordingly...
If it's strict language like 'the dealer will adjust the price to the corresponding amount' then there is a potential leg to stand on and may be worth pointing him towards it. If it's discretionary for the dealer then you've got nothing.
Also note any other language in the clause, mine for instance mentions prices changes only and thus allows for price increases and decreases. Others may only mention price increases.
If there's no clause like this at all then you've also got nothing.
I'm unsure how standard this sort of clause is in vehicle purchase contracts. Might vary from company to company. Mine has it, coincidentally, but getting the price reduction wasn't a problem for me.