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Thread: HELP! Rattle Noise and Groan

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Sydney, NSW
    Users Country Flag

    HELP! Rattle Noise and Groan

    Hey guys and girls,

    Had my mk6 118TSI for about 1.5 years now (18000K) and Ive had some problems which i hope someone knows what to do?

    The only change from stock has been a Milltek (resonated) turbo back installation and Superchip Bluefin installation.

    1. On initial acceleration, or up an incline, or with 2+ people, a "rattle" is heard which feels like it is under my seat. It is very noticable and sounds like someone shaking marbles in a tin can or hollow metal on metal. Once the car gets speed, it cant be heard. Its not only baffling, its embarassing I took it to VW dealership and the said they replaced the engine mount and still no fix. Any ideas, or has anyone had this problem and had it fixed????

    2. The suspension groans when i get in sometimes. It sounds like a 300KG elephant entered the car! lol. Its so embarassing and the wrong reason why people turn to look at the car! Any ideas what this could be and anyone had any fixes for it? WHen i mentioned it to the dealership, they said the suspensions were tightened and it should be fine, it isn't and while it doesnt do it all the time, when it does, its loud!

    OTher than that, its a beauty of a car, esp with a few aftermarket parts, will take a pic to show once all parts have been installed and car cleaned! lol

    THanks again for any help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    A video of the problems would be helpful. Upload to Vimeo or Youtube.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
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    the rattle sound .. is that because of the dsg 2nd gear shudder? i have this sound everyday no matter is going uphill or normal road. Heard there is a new software upgrade from dealer?
    and i too have the same problem as you with the suspension, but this is just intermitten.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Sydney, NSW
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter
    Hi Ryan,

    The noise is exactly like the GTi rattle...on hard acceleration and on an incline or under load. However i read on Ryans post the fix available with the wastegate flap clip, so ordered it, took it to the VW guys, but now im told by VW port macquarie that the clip for the fix is too small for the 118tsi wastegate flap? Is this true? I thought the wastegate rods were the same size for all the TSI engines?[COLOR="Silver"][COLOR="Silver"]

    ---------- Post added at 08:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:22 PM ----------

    nah man, just on hard acceleration or on an incline or udner load, when the car is moving, no dramas.

    Quote Originally Posted by rockDAhouse View Post
    the rattle sound .. is that because of the dsg 2nd gear shudder? i have this sound everyday no matter is going uphill or normal road. Heard there is a new software upgrade from dealer?
    and i too have the same problem as you with the suspension, but this is just intermitten.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Sydney, NSW
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter

    PROBLEM FIXED! Turns out was some loose transmission cabling that was causing the noise. Now the car sounds good again


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