For the longest time I always assumed that slight juddering when the traction control light came on meant that my wheels were spinning a bit and then brake force was applied electronically to stop it. To elaborate what I thought is that the judder was the wheels breaking traction.
The other day I decided to turn off the traction control to see how it would feel (I have done this on two occasions and oddly enough on both occasions I was turning while accelerating hard so the car was sliding somewhat, not a true indication of what its all about).
To my surprise the car felt much smoother when changing gears (manual) and overall just a bit nicer even when driving normally. The biggest part that surprised me is that the car felt slower under hard acceleration but looked to have gotten up to speed quicker than normal. I was confused. The more I pushed it the smoother it felt, the judder was no longer there but I'm 100% certain that my wheels would have been spinning (stage 1 with torque arm insert).
So what exactly is going on here? Is that judder Im feeling when the TC light comes on actually the brakes and not the wheels breaking traction? Is there any sort of electronic power cut that takes effect? Is the TC good enough to stop all wheel spin thereby also saving tyre tread wear or do the wheels still spin somewhat?
If thats the case how much does the TC actually slow the car down by and is it potentially possible to get more out of the car by turning the TC off?
Also why does the car feel smoother without the TC on even when driving normally in a way that would never spin the wheels? All in my head perhaps?
Someone please educate me!