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Thread: Halogen lights - Disable DRL on Golf Mark 6 GTi MY13

  1. #21
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobes_WIR35 View Post
    I am aware of that rule. However, if they asked me I'd say they're not fog lights, they're daytime running lights, then I'd flash my membership card for the Illuminating Engineers Society and hope that gets me off the hook.

    In terms of glare, the Golf fog lights (front ones I mean) are not a problem. Compare them to, say, those bright LEDs on the front of a new HSV. They produce much more distracting and dazzling glare, and are supposedly legal.

    I think the intention of the rule is to stop people from using aftermarket fog lights that are usually poorly aimed and sometimes yellow. They do cause problems with glare and dazzle.
    The problem is that FOGS are SUPPOSED to be yellow but in this day and age of enlightened engineers they choose to make them white.

    In the good old days when sanity prevailed, fog lights had yellow light which shines better through fog than does white light.

    Now they call them "other" lights and they cause more trouble than enough.

    To wit Subaru WRX with so called Fogs which are in fact about 8" driving lights and blind you at 500metres.

    Yellow light does not glare like white light.

    Dont think flashing any membership card would get you off if they want to push the point.
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  2. #22
    Join Date
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    The problem with the yellow lense ones is that they are very distracting when used when it is not foggy. Its true that yellow or yellow-ish light penetrates fog a little better, but the important thing is to make sure they are aimed properly. You don't want them to shine into the fog because they will just reflect and refract through the water droplets and make it harder to see, pretty well regardless of what colour it is. Blue and violet light is not good for fog lights because that part of the spectrum scatters more. That's why most fog lights are still halogen, which is about 2700-3000K. This is generally considered to be in the yellow spectrum.

    They need to be aimed downward and slightly outward so they illuminate the road surface so you can see the road and the lines.

    We shouldn't confuse well engineered factory fog lights that are set up properly, with poorly design aftermarket fog lights that are usually incorrectly set up and aimed incorrectly. These have given all fog lights a bad name.

    Totally agree with the WRX lights. You're right, they are actually more like driving lights
    Last edited by Tobes_WIR35; 02-02-2013 at 02:59 PM.

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