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Thread: gti zero compression

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    gti zero compression

    hi all,
    my wifes 2010 gti would not start suddenly last night, iv checked a few basics (codes etc) and found it has zero compression in all 4 cylinders. With a little research im thinking the hydraulic tensioner has failed causing valves to hit when trying to crank it over?.
    is there a link or any info to this happening to anyone else? and how they solved it?
    am i looking at head removal and new valves or engine swap?
    thanks all.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
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    cheapest engine i can find is 2900. or 4500 for one with 50k kms and 3 months warranty

  3. #3
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    Sorry to hear mate, that sucks - but its not uncommon...especially on the earlier Mk6 GTI's.

    I had the tensioner and guides etc changed at my expense when i had my Mk6 GTI as i was aware of the issue with the tensioner and didn't want to have the issue you now have found yourself in.

    Yes there are several threads with other people having this issue (also note this 2.0TSI engine was fitted to several other VW/Audi/Skoda products).

    General info about the tensioner and how/why it fails: How The 2.0T TSI Timing Chain Tensioner Fails | Humble Mechanic

    A thread on another VW forum i created: 2.0TSI (EA88 Timing chain tensioner failures

    A thread from just recently: 2.0TSI Catastrophic engine failure, owners be aware.

    This is probably the biggest thread on the issue, although bear in mind the posts start out being around the 118TSi engine and then become a mixture of 118TSI and 2.0TSI GTI engine failures: Timing chain and tensioner discussion and issues
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

    2015 Audi SQ5 bi-turbo V6 TDI family hauler

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deanos View Post
    cheapest engine i can find is 2900. or 4500 for one with 50k kms and 3 months warranty
    Buy the best and newest engine you can afford and justify the cost of. If you buy an engine from before 2012 you will still need to spend circa $1k replacing the tensioner and associated parts (guides/timing chain cover etc). Engines after 2012 had the updated tensioner (which you can check quite easily before buying the engine by popping the little cover off the timing chain cover to view) to ensure it has the updated parts.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

    2015 Audi SQ5 bi-turbo V6 TDI family hauler

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Lucas your a legend thank you.
    Im working my way through the info now. both engines iv found are pre new tensioner. thinking i dont want this to happen again that ill replace tensioner and chain to be fresh anyways before i instal the motor. any reputable website selling the upgraded kit needed?
    any issue if its a different engine code?
    any other weak points i should do to the motor before instaling it?
    currently has turbo back exhaust, cts intake and custom tune.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deanos View Post
    Lucas your a legend thank you.
    Im working my way through the info now. both engines iv found are pre new tensioner. thinking i dont want this to happen again that ill replace tensioner and chain to be fresh anyways before i instal the motor. any reputable website selling the upgraded kit needed?
    any issue if its a different engine code?
    any other weak points i should do to the motor before instaling it?
    currently has turbo back exhaust, cts intake and custom tune.
    Im not 100% sure on different engine codes - perhaps someone else can chime in here.

    If you buy a pre updated tensioner engine i would personally do the following providing the budget allows. These are all of the main known failure parts on this engine:

    Waterpump (several to choose from) MK6 GTI 2.0t TSI Water Pump and Cooling System Parts | Deutsche Auto Parts - Deutsche Auto Parts

    Inlet manifold 06J133201BH - Intake Manifold for VW/ Audi 2.0T TSI Engine - Deutsche Auto Parts

    Timing chain, revised tensioner, timing case cover and plastic chain quides
    2.0t TSI Timing Chain and Chain Tensioner Update Kit - Deutsche Auto Parts
    2.0T TSI Timing Chain Tensioner Service Kit (Basic) - Deutsche Auto Parts (note you will need to remove the tensioner from the kit in the 1st link otherwise you will end up with a spare one)

    While you have the inlet manifold off, it might be a wise idea to do a carbon clean on the inlet valves as these are prone to getting pretty caked up on this engine.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

    2015 Audi SQ5 bi-turbo V6 TDI family hauler

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Fantastic. Ill be sure to do them while the engines out, going to be so much easier. Has someone done a thread for engine removal yet? Assuming they have but if not i can when mines coming out.

    Maybe a ko4 upgrade if the misses allows haha

    Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

  8. #8

    If the cost is not prohibitive consider joining the class action. In other parts of the world vw replaced these tensioners as a recall
    Audi, Skoda and Volkswagen Potential Class Action | Shine Lawyers

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