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Thread: Grinding/clicking noise from gearbox, 2012 Golf VI 90 TSI

  1. #1

    Grinding/clicking noise from gearbox, 2012 Golf VI 90 TSI

    Hi everyone. I'm new here and want to seek some help on my gearbox issue. Sorry if the same issue has already been discussed before. I did search for a bit time and read many threads. Just couldn't find a similar problem to me.

    My Golf only has 7K. About two months ago, it developed some strange noise when going downhill and I apply brake lightly so that the car downshift from 4th to 3rd. The noise likes gear 3 is not fully engaged at the initial and the two gears trying to bite each other have some mismatch on the speed. Its like when driving a manual car, I didn't push the gear into place.

    The car had been back to dealer once about two weeks ago. They told me there is no error code from the computer and they couldn't replicate the noise during test drive (which lasts for about 5 km). What they did is just reset the computer.

    The noise is still there and seems worse. I'm going to take the car back to dealer again but not sure if they would told me the same story.

    I'm wondering if anyone had a similar issue before or has some idea about this. Does anyone know if no error code and cannot replicate the noise at test drive, what else I can do?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
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    Several guys with the Polo's (which use the same DSG gearbox) have had similar problems in 3rd and 4th gear. It's another issue with the 7 speed DQ200 DSG gearbox. It's a problem with the clutches if i remember correctly.

    I'll try to find the thread for you and post it here.
    Last edited by Lucas_R; 11-09-2013 at 10:15 AM.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

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  3. #3

    Thanks Lucas. I also think the problem is with the clutches.


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