I'm not convinced by your post. I mean, by going to a 4 lobe cam they've been able to increase the rate of pressure build up etc, but when your revs are 5000rpm, this means they is a single revolution every 12ms, can a driver really determine the difference in the reactions of the 4 lobe cam? Or maybe my understanding of how that all works is wrong.
But more to the point. The fuel pump itself is the same.
Another point is that the fuel delivery problems you mentioned on the EA113MKV GTI issue when going to a Stage II+ or III tunes were solved by a modification to the fuel pump by APR. When going to a Stage II+ or Stage III tune on the EA888 motor, this same fuel pump modification is STILL required.
So whilst I believe Volkswagen have improved the operation of the fuel pump by introduction of the four lobe cam, I'm not convinced that the effects are what you're stating in your post.