Hey All,
Just seeing if anyone has experienced a problem similar to me and what they did to fix it. I have a 2011 GTI DSG.
Since my last service 45k, I have started to get a flashing/beeping coolant light on startup first thing in the morning after a long drive (45 mins +) the day before. The MFD also displays "Check coolant level". Every time I open the bonnet and check the coolant level it is well above the minimum line, around where the middle of the reservoir is. To clear the problem I simply turn off the ignition and restart the engine and it goes away however it's quite nerve racking and frustrating that it happens ~ twice a week. I have even started checking the coolant level before starting the engine incase I can catch the level being low prior to starting the engine and the fault appearing. I have once checked the engine cold and the level was fine only to have the warning when I started the engine so I don't believe it's an issue with coolant expanding/contracting from below min to above after starting.
Have taken to VW dealership twice now for the problem and every time they have said there is no fault code when scanned so they don't know what the problem is. This is despite the tech saying when I dropped it off that is a common problem on these and R's (which he then incorrectly proceeded to tell me had the same engine) and is either the water pump or coolant reservoir.
My gut tells me the LLS probes inside the coolant reservoir are probability reading intermittently on startup or after startup the volume inside the reservoir increase slightly higher on the probes (still above min) where there is better conductivity but if this was the case why wouldn't they either replace the reservoir or top of the coolant up?
Any thoughts would be appreciated