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Thread: Golf R Rattle/Buzz

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by shakespeare View Post
    That's exactly the same noise! Geez that gave me chills listening to it. Good luck getting it sorted
    hmmm I have had for the last week what sounds to my ears as an identical noise that presumably must be from a different source as it's in a MK6 GTI rather than an R and most audible from the passenger-side pillar rather than anywhere forward of that.
    If you flex the seat-belt panel on the passenger side it's really obvious but as that is opening a hole into a fairly large void the noise could be from anywhere connected to that void.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by chorrylan View Post
    hmmm I have had for the last week what sounds to my ears as an identical noise that presumably must be from a different source as it's in a MK6 GTI rather than an R and most audible from the passenger-side pillar rather than anywhere forward of that.
    If you flex the seat-belt panel on the passenger side it's really obvious but as that is opening a hole into a fairly large void the noise could be from anywhere connected to that void.
    i think the B pillar rattle is pretty common and they have a fix for it. there would be a few posts in these here forums about the rattle you're talking about.

    as for my infamous golfRattle, they removed the glove box and underdash and found a loose clip/screw which wasnt sitting properly, did it up, and today she still rattles...

    so it's going back for a 3 night stay while i get to cruise around in an octavia. if they give me an RS wagon, i might just not return and keep the "trade".

  3. #23
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    I had one start up around the drivers side seat belt height adjuster thing in addition to both door trims rattling since day one. Not constant rattles though so don't really bother me. But I did get a workshop monkey sitting in the car for about 5kms and of course he couldn't hear it hehe

  4. #24
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    I don't have any rattles per se (well, not in the "drove over a bump and something rattled sense). But I have "buzzes" caused by the exhaust note. There are a few random ones from trim around the cabin which occur occasionally. But there is one tiny little buzz which happens quite constantly from around the sunroof trim... it's pretty damn quiet though...

  5. #25
    For what it's worth, I had this really annoying persistant rattle coming from somewhere around the drivers pillar/dash area i thought.
    It was a real pain and I actually had to turn up the radio to drown it out. The first trip back to the dealer was not successful. On the second trip back I actually got the lad to sit in the drivers seat and drive . "sh..t thats bad" was his comment!!!!!!
    The car was in there for the day and eventually I got this call...."you can come and pick it up....we finally found was coming from the front bonnet hinge" I have been driving around for 1 week now and not a single unexpected noise.....yeh!

  6. #26
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    Yeah - sometimes you need to get them to drive it whilst you sit in the passenger seat! The sounds you hear in the passenger seat are not always the same! Glad you had a good result!

  7. #27
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    well after a 3 day stay last week, i think (hope) theyve nailed the issue. apparently they spent 14 hours removing, diagnosing and replacing the underdash and some left dash, found a bunch of wiring re routed the wrong way and not together flailing around, and a few more loose clips. 3 days and 3 cold runs in, and no buzzlightyears or rattles... fingers are crossed...

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