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Thread: Golf R Observations and Questions

  1. #5721

    They all will belch out smoke even when stock due to oil build up, punch it a few times and all the oil will be burnt off and it will smoke no more. Find a good sweeping right hand bend that you can accelerate hard from 60 to 140 or so and you will see what I mean.
    For a tune that at its richest touches an 11.8:1 AFR ( a figure that I choose/set) at full load above 6000rpm It is impossible to call it rich and in any event I'd much rather it be rich than lean
    I know your only stirring of course

  2. #5722
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    Yeah I applied the Italian tune from time to time just to sort it out. i also think those that are driven longer distances on a regular basis dont experience it as much. Mine travels 10 kays to the station and back each day and gets a better run on weekends.I reckon it is just build up.

    Still runs like a silky smooth rocket ( and munches on Meganes )
    Current Ride: MY 16 Daytona Pearl Grey Audi S3- Performance Pack 1, Sunroof and Driver assist

  3. #5723
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    Golf R Observations and Questions

    Quote Originally Posted by Candyman View Post
    Well, I do have a VARDesign sticker on my stock R, definately adds 30kw
    Hold the bus ... time for a proper update on the VARDesign stuff (or just a sticker at this stage)?
    Golf R | UG | DSG | 19" Silver | ACC | Leather | Viezu vRace | FIS+ Advanced | View car diary thread

  4. #5724
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    Golf R Observations and Questions

    I'll be taking mine back to the Newcastle dyno soon so will be interesting to see. Last time i went there (about a year ago with Bluefin Stage 1 and intake) the car made 186kw.

    Based on those previous results on the same dyno, im hoping for 205-210kw with the DNA Stage III tune and HPFP/intercooler/dump pipe etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ideo View Post
    It'd be DNA I'd be watching for

    I'd be keen to get mine on the same Dyno. I saw good gains with/without tune (158 vs 187) but this was a place in Newcastle that no one else really has used apart.
    Last edited by Lucas_R; 06-12-2012 at 05:35 PM.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

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  5. #5725
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    Quote Originally Posted by parso_rex View Post
    I know your only stirring of course
    You should reply to such things with: DO A SKID and a photo of a v8 holden ute.

  6. #5726
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    Golf R Observations and Questions

    Quote Originally Posted by parso_rex View Post
    They all will belch out smoke even when stock due to oil build up, punch it a few times and all the oil will be burnt off and it will smoke no more.
    My GTI would under heavy acceleration but only the initial acceleration, more a puff of greyish smoke (was stock)

    My R has definately never done what you say, even when my brother drove it, like an idiot.

    I know your only stirring of course
    Only in part but good we agree that the R handling is nothing to crow about, which is what the discussion was about

    AWD in itself isn't magical either, can detract from handling and in the case of the bloated R, it does.

    Maybe it will feel better after not having driven it for a few weeks.

    A good car but I'm not a zealot
    8VSS2L/16 E9E9 XG MP SPP1 4ZD 6XK CSC5P with an extra free 10kW

  7. #5727
    The more boost you run the more pronounced the blow-by will be and certainly the piston to bore clearances will differ amongst all the cars which is why you will see some owners complaining about excessive oil consumption. So maybe your just lucky. My own car is actually not too bad but some customers cars sheezus !!! or maybe its simply because you've never experienced the awesomeness of a proper re-calibration with a real man level of tune on it.
    Just sayin'

    Edit: You'll really notice it on cars where they've been driven sedately, sedately means high manifold vacuum which really sucks the oil in and then when you ( on in Silverfox's case his wife) gives it a blast it all gets burnt up and the cycle begins again. So the real answer is to forget your silly catch can devices and keep the manifold vacuum as low as possible, in short just cane the crap out of the thing, everywhere.
    Last edited by parso_rex; 06-12-2012 at 05:51 PM.

  8. #5728
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    Quote Originally Posted by parso_rex View Post
    The more boost you run the more pronounced the blow-by will be and certainly the piston to bore clearances will differ amongst all the cars which is why you will see some owners complaining about excessive oil consumption. So maybe your just lucky. My own car is actually not too bad but some customers cars sheezus !!! or maybe its simply because you've never experienced the awesomeness of a proper re-calibration with a real man level of tune on it.
    Just sayin'

    Edit: You'll really notice it on cars where they've been driven sedately, sedately means high manifold vacuum which really sucks the oil in and then when you ( on in Silverfox's case his wife) gives it a blast it all gets burnt up and the cycle begins again. So the real answer is to forget your silly catch can devices and keep the manifold vacuum as low as possible, in short just cane the crap out of the thing, everywhere.
    But the car is scary fast mummy
    Current Ride: MY 16 Daytona Pearl Grey Audi S3- Performance Pack 1, Sunroof and Driver assist

  9. #5729
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    Anyone else notice that the front parking sensors are absolutely useless?

    Useless in the sense that the way to 'turn on' the front parking sensors is to put the car into reverse so the optical parking thingie shows up on the RNS. If you just drive forwards at slow speeds the optical parking doesn't turn on and you don't get any audio warnings that you're getting close to something.

    When I'm driving forwards into a parking space with a low concrete kerb I would find it very useful if the front parking sensors actually sensed what was at the front of the car without me needing to stop, put car into R, put car into D, continue parking.

  10. #5730
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamesatfish View Post
    Anyone else notice that the front parking sensors are absolutely useless?

    Useless in the sense that the way to 'turn on' the front parking sensors is to put the car into reverse so the optical parking thingie shows up on the RNS. If you just drive forwards at slow speeds the optical parking doesn't turn on and you don't get any audio warnings that you're getting close to something.

    When I'm driving forwards into a parking space with a low concrete kerb I would find it very useful if the front parking sensors actually sensed what was at the front of the car without me needing to stop, put car into R, put car into D, continue parking.
    Or just press the parking sensor button and they turn on whenever you want
    2020 VW Golf R

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