Quote Originally Posted by DreamensioN View Post
LOL... should I.....should I call A Current Affair? Does someone have a 6 month old baby I can borrow?

I just read in the other thread that it's included with the owners manual (which I admit I haven't even looked at yet). I also just got a courtesy call from the dealer asking how everything is - and I mentioned this, and he said he forgot to mention it - but it should be included with the pouch I got with all the manual and stuff - but if it's not in there to let him know. I'll take a look when I get home.

So if I RTFM'ed, I would have probably found it (if it's there). But you know how it is... who reads manuals lol jks.
It's a bloody expensive bottle opener. I think it's about $50 IIRC. Mine was in the manual pocket.