I've never asked or suggested anyone to do 1/4 mile times on the streets, only the dragways. In Sydney it costs $50 at Eastern creek and when it gets busy it's the same 2-3 runs a night.
I only have a stage 1 tune but my R is in the middle of a stage 2 upgrade and I'll take it down for another run when it's complete so I can compare the times. All I'm getting at in my posts is lots of people backing up ambiguous figures and complaining about ruining drive trains, temperature of the track, queues at drag strips etc. In that case sell your car and buy a ford fiesta (Not the one Ken Block drives). We have the same queues here and when I went to the strip it was over 35 degrees and yes the car "may" have performed slightly better if it was 20 degrees but I have to wait until Autumn/Winter to prove it but by then I will have stage 2.
I just don't see the point in trumping up figures of this and that then hearing excuses of not proving it and I'm sure a lot of readers think the same. Everyone would like to know how stock, stage 1, stage 2 and stage 3 cars do on the strip and as soon as I get my stage 2 done I'll post my figures. From reading the times on this forum we have so far:
Stock: 14.2X (The other guy who posted on my thread)
Stage 1: 13.74 (my car)
Stage 2: ??.?? (If someone has a time please post or maybe I missed it some where)
I'll be one of the first to congratulate anyone doing a quick time on the 1/4 mile but if you're not prepared to prove it, there's no need to blow your trumpet on something that hasn't happened or something that you think will happen.
Golf R
Mods - Custom Tune| BSH intake | Milltek Turboback Exhaust | APR Intercooler | APR Fuel Pump | HPA DSG Stage 2 | RS4 valve | Awesome sparkies | 42DD catch can
Whose trumping figures and doing excuses? People said it felt like a quick car and it is. Whether its 12sec quick or 13sec quick is irrelevant. The Gtech figures are also just an easy way of doing quick comparisons to get a rough idea of how the mods have impacted performance, no one said they were exact measurements.
You're getting a bit carried away mate. If you need time slips to feel great about your car then good for you!
Whilst the Golf R is a new car, the Audi S3 isn't. So depending on who has been doing the "trumping up figures of this and that", it may be based on the Audi S3 times etc given how close the two cars are.
But what you mention in the rest of your post has merrit. Temps can make a big difference, as can track condition. Also, peoples unfamiliarity with how to set up their car (tyre pressures etc) and how to launch their car can also make times worse than they could be. There's a decent learning curve to start with, and unfortunately 2 or 3 runs usually isn't enough for someone to learn.
^ Yeah thats what i was just wondering....Have i missed the posts about people trumping figures????
I will be getting down there at some stage (Calder) but when it suits me of course....
My posts and comments so far are purley based on the 0-100 times and what "may be" achived down the quarter with that time. Not will be achieved. Guesstimates!
Regardless, I too am looking forward to see what it will run with what i have done so far.
Oh and ferret..... easy fella!
Enjoy the R.
You're right on all fronts Dave, gtechs are primarily used to feel the difference in mods once you apply them and I'm not getting carried away with posting times, just troll back through this thread to see all the blind followers. I just disagree with the accuracy of the figures and have another opinion so I posted about it. I posted my times more for other peoples views as well as mine, I could have easily not posted anything and be done with it. These forums are great for peoples experiences with VWs and not everyone has the same opinion.
I don't need to have slips to feel great about but I do use it to compare against previous mods. So would having a gtech also count for feeling good about your car? The opinions go both ways so let's just leave it at that as we could argue about this all year.
Golf R
Mods - Custom Tune| BSH intake | Milltek Turboback Exhaust | APR Intercooler | APR Fuel Pump | HPA DSG Stage 2 | RS4 valve | Awesome sparkies | 42DD catch can
You're right. I have doubts about the tune which is why I am following up with APR about the results. Other peoples experience and opinion is different, good for them. I'm going to do some data logging tonight and send it back but I don't believe there will be any change to the outcome. Anyway see what happens, not jumping to any conclusions.
hi new to the forum but been reading alot
pick up my new r tomorrow waited for 6 months
a little back ground of myself
i have been drag racing since i was 15 in 1991 i had a turbo rx3 that ran 10 second 1/4 mile times
i won the street machine nationals at calder in 1991 with a 13b bridge port and it was street registered on street tyres and it ran low 12s
the r standard is not that fast 14s over the 1/4 is ok but not that good
with the apr chip its pretty fast 13s over the 1/4 is good i know that a second doesnt sound that much faster but it is
at 100 miles a hour at the end of the track that can be 3-4 car lenghts and thats alot
the only way to see how fast you car is is at the track the time clocks dont lie
yes it does depend on the weather and a turbo car does go faster on cooler weather but the guy your racing has the same conditions
you need to do alot of racing to get the best out of you car and a good driver will do better times than a dodo
Hey Guys, picked up my R from Wheel Centre Repairs in Botany, very happy with the outcome so I thought I'd share the results with you guys.
Let me know what you think. Sorry for the low res camera phone pics and low light, its all I had on me, I'll put up some better pics once I get a sunny day after the tints and surface tech goes on.
Golf R: Rising Blue, DSG, 19"s, Leather, ACC, gps, dynaudio, mdi, iPod, bluetooth