Golf GTI chassis/body != Golf R chassis/body - if it did then all the kids would be converting their GTI into AWD.
Also, traditionally, VW skip a cabrio version of every 2nd (or even 3rd) model so it's understandable that they would be still testing a Mk6 when the Mk7 is imminent as they will retain the Mk6 cabrio chassis until the MK8 Golf comes out. Probably they will make external cosmetic changes to make it look like a MK7 (as they did with the MKIV Cabrio) but the chassis will still be Mk6
eg: There was a Mk1 Cab; Mk3 Cab; MKIV was a MK3 chassis with lipstick on; no MKV because i assume they wanted to gove the EOS a chance; MK6.