Well I've had the R now for 6 weeks and its going in for its 15000km service next week. I just wanted to report that as far as reliability and little quirks, the car has been almost faultless. Not a drop of oil has been used (weird) and it hasn't missed a beat.
The only little quirk its had so far, and I'll point out now that its only happened on two occasions..... is that the DSG has dropped out of gear. Both times when accelerating in D mode. Once when accelerating out of a round about it lost gear and revved out to red-line, a slight lift off of the accelerator fixed the problem but still a bit odd i thought.
Maybe I'll get a software update on the DSG box at service?
Anyone else had any odd issues prior to first service???
And yeah auto recirc for the win! although I have mine down at 21 up here in the North!