More than ready to walk away.
Yes it DOES seem things have happened in my favour...from the standpoint of resale. The engine etc are all the same , be it 2011 or 2012. So to me its the SAME car. And im not concerned about resale. SO....the only REASON im gettin the 2012 is THEY were slow as snails in putting the order through! So boo to them. I'd rather have had the 11.5 or 11 2 weeks ago, than be waiting till early sept for essentially the same car. Keeping in mind that i was sworn that it would be mine in mid june. It was not even built till mid july!
Apprently the Sales manger is going to "chat" to me tomorrow, as i spoke to the salesperson today, and informed them of my point of view!
This should be good.......
I do understand the issue of the margin etc...... i MAY be placated if they throw other biscuits my wa

, but i am not one to taken advantage of either. Im happy to pocket the cheque and at 60K, many other cars available to me! If the dealer is happy to LOSE a sale, over 700-800 dollars, says more about them and their poor sales mentality.
Will update tomorrow, post-"Chat".