Here’s my order:
90TSI Trendline manual (apparently it was their last one, next one was due in another 5 months?!)
Reflex Silver
iPod cable for MDI
Parking Sensors
Rear Chrome Trim
$29,700 drive away from old mate Russell @ Denlo, Parramatta. I’m expecting to take delivery early next week.
I thought I would take advantage of VW’s current drive away special and splash out on the RNS510
While we were negotiating, I got the iPad out (had a modified version of the pricing calculator on there lol) It gave me a pretty good idea of how much coin was saved on the deal.... Think we did ok (I hope!)
The quote I got from Chatswood Classic (same spec but in United Grey minus the Chrome Trim) was $30,000 drive away. The dealer chick I spoke to there wouldn’t go any lower. It was interesting seeing as how Parramatta & Chatswood are the same company (Inchcape)...
captain courteous enjoys vag
It’s essentially the Pricing Calculator spreadsheet that you can download at the beginning of this thread. I modified it to reflect the prices of the different accessories I was after.
It was funny on the day, I called Chatswood (about the United Grey) to see if they would match/beat Denlo’s offer... It was already sold! I think it would have been about 2 days since I last enquired about it... They reckon it was their last 90TSI manual too!
captain courteous enjoys vag
Oh right.. the spreadsheet thing. So that was yet another stupid question from mehaha. Didn't realise you could modify it like that - but then again my spreadsheet knowledge is non existent.
Yeah it's hard to find 2011 90tsi's out there. We couldn't find anyone that had an automatic.
I'm glad it was of help to you!
I did the same thing with an earlier version of the spreadsheet when I was at Denlo... but not on an Apple product of course
Whilst all the spreadsheet does is calculate drive away pricing correctly, I think that some dealers have nightmares about it as it allows a customer to instantly calculate where they're at.
It's slightly out of date now due to MY12 changes... but I'll wait until next month to update it when the state/federal governments typically update their taxes and fees anyway
Question -
Does the RRP in the spreadsheet represent the list price only or does it include all the drive away costs?
Sorry for the dumb questions - I'm trying to figure out how to use it to see what price I should have been aiming for. As I said I'm not good with spreadsheets.
The "RRP" in the spreadsheet is the cost of the car, plus options, plus MADE UP onroad costs. Please note that it is in NO WAY ACCURATE, not even when it was produced. It may have been accurate for one of the cars on there (presumably the creater's purchaseed it). The calculation for stamp duty is based on the NSW formula only and is completely inaccurate for any other state, the dealer delivery is "conservatively high" for a non-GTI/R model, the CTP is wrong as is the registration (even for NSW), there is no accounting for LCT (not that it should be an issue) and there is no accounting for the cost of number plates!
So use as a rough guide only
I'll put this info in the first post. Cheers.
Ok thanks for the answer.
I think I worked out how to use it now. Looks like (roughly any way) I paid about the right amount that I should have. I might try putting in the values for everything given to me by dealership and see if I can get a more accurate estimate.
Thanks again for the clarification.