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Thread: Golf Mk6 Insurance

  1. #51
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    I've always been with NRMA... never had an issue.

    However I dont remember adding the details of the APR tune for my TT.

    I have a feeling with the GTI/R I may not be able to go with NRMA due to the tuning.

    I'm pretty sure I read or someone told me they wont cover you.
    2019 BMW M3 CS

  2. #52
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    Nov 2008
    NRMA is pretty anal with mods. I'd say they'll say no.

    I'm probably going to go with Shannons. AAMI is cheaper but on a brand new car I think I'd pay a little more for the piece of mind.

  3. #53
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    If an APR tune is undetectable from the dealer it may be undetectable to other people ^^.

  4. #54
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    Possibly... but if I didn't tell NRMA, that wouldn't have been my reason, it just would've been an oversight due to my life being so turbulent at that time.

  5. #55
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    Are you planning on calling them to list the item Corey? Wouldnt mind knowing the outcome.

    I could just call them I suppose.
    2019 BMW M3 CS

  6. #56
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    Lol... How about you call them to enquire for a quote for you car 'soon to be delivered', and ask the question! Then post their response here.

    Then I can figure out whether it's even worth calling them to say 'oh, btw, I had an ECU put onto my car and forgot to tell you, so can you please add it to my policy'. lol

    I wasn't planning on calling them until my policy is due for renewal - that way I know what it's going to cost me for the next year, and I can have that as a reference for getting quotes from other insurance companies in the case that NRMA doesn't want to insure it due to the ECU.

  7. #57
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    Just call them ask say you are thinking of changing the ecu or something to that effect and want to know if it will affect your premium. That's what I normally do and wait to see the outcome...

    They can't pull the insurance rug out from underneath you that way and if they say no they won't insure it then you can go find someone more reasonable. Arguably if the car was involved in an accident they may not pay the cost due to the mod not being listed as you know, but they may also never even bother to look. It is probably the most stealth mod you could possibly do.

  8. #58
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    Just insured the new GTI yesterday.

    Both my girl and I are 28 with relatively perfect driving records (no claims either).

    $1002 for market value.

    I double checked and its new for old (2 years), regardless of options.
    2019 BMW M3 CS

  9. #59
    Join Date
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    Sigh. I wish i had read this thread earlier. I have my brand new gti insured to AAMi. Recently some stupid P plate driver reversed into my perfectly parked GTI when there was no car infront of her. How unlucky of me.
    AAMI gave me a choice of getting a quote from VW or from a place that they choose. VW said the cost to fix was about $2000 since the front bumper had to be changed. Then i took it to the place AAMI chose, the price was off by $400. I really wanted to get it fixed from VW since im not paying for anything but AAMI insisted me to get it fixed by their chosen repairer.

    Before i got my GTI insured with AAMI, i specifically asked them that if I had an accident can i choose my repairer, turns out its a big fat lie.
    One thing for sure, after the contract is up definately not going to AAMI. But AAMI has really good customer service and really good price, but i just dont think it's the right company for a GTI.
    | GTI | Red | 3 dr|

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  10. #60
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    No need to wait for the contract (policy) to be up, you can cancel it and walk away with a refund before then (but after they've adequately repaired the bumper). Have a read of the PDS, you should also be able to find the clause where they state that they choose the repairer.

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