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Thread: Golf GTI Mark VI Specifications and Prices

  1. #881
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Sydney, Australia
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    Quote Originally Posted by Busby View Post
    Hey all,
    Just ordered mine too.. I reckon I got a pretty good deal..

    3 DR Candy White DSG

    Privacy tint
    Bi Xenons
    18" Detroits
    Slim plates
    iPod cable


    Would you be happy with that?
    That's a great price mate. Corporate discount, or is that just some fine negotiation skills?

  2. #882
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Somewhat Corporate + negotiation skills my plan was simple... And i guess obvious...
    Research this site like crazy and get a price in mind.
    Visit a dealership with card in hand and negotiate the **** outta it until a salesman let's you walk away.
    Take that price to next dealer as a starting point and shop the **** outta it until they let you walk away... Rinse and repeat with another 6 or so dealerships... (over phone is fine)
    When they wont move anymore on price, then put a random call to a REGIONAL dealership... and it must be @ end of the month as they get desperate at this time.
    Ask to speak to a random salesperson re: some random question about the car - of course being a salesman they'll ask you why you're enquiring..
    Tell them you are about to buy one and of course they'll ask you what price you got..
    Remove another grand and disclose and say you've been offered corporate price (even though they haven't) and that you were throwing down a deposit that same day.
    The salesperson will go for a desperate sale and will ask for your commitment over the phone if they knock off another $xxx and can offer the same corporate price as well - say yeah I will give you my credit card now if you match corporate, as the guy i've been dealing is a **** head etc hence your call to him re: the car in the 1st place... If he cant match it simply walk away - rinse repeat. They may ask for a letterhead from your hr dept for corporate price but say the original salesperson was taking care of that. Nuff said.

    14% off drive away?? Its possible! Fail to plan and you plan to fail.

  3. #883
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Busby View Post
    14% off drive away?? Its possible! Fail to plan and you plan to fail.
    Or you could walk into a dealership in Jan 2011 when they are trying to clear 2010 build stock (which yours will be) and start haggling. Have a flexible list off options/colours that you will be satisfied with.

    They'll probably give all on-roads/dealer delivery up in the first hit... then you just wear them down from there... move to next dealer and repeat. Get each to add a few options more (tinted windows, mdi etc). Say you dont want a car with a sunroof but you'll take the car in stock with one for a little extra discount. If you can't get 14% off list then you aint even trying
    Last edited by pologti18t; 27-10-2010 at 09:55 PM.

  4. #884
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Rockdale, NSW

    Mk VI GTI

    Hey guys,

    I acheived the following price on my purchase three months ago;

    GTI Black Mk VI
    3 door
    Tinted window

    Drive away price I obtained was $46,000. Using Corey’s awesome calculator, this represents a 15.45% saving.

    I visited all the Sydney dealers over a few months before i purchased. I walked in very casual each time as I wear a suit six days a week. As in previous posts, some dealers I did not like, some judged me (have i got the money) & others were just out right rude.

    I was abused at one dealership for taking a 45 minute test drive (my first in a GTI) and this was in front of fellow customers. I gave him a serve back & walked out disgusted (This dealership is close to an airport).

    I’m a GM & through my network I have referred four persons to the dealership where I purchased from – word of mouth is still the strongest form of advertising – and my words are still dirty for the dealership close to the airport as a result of my experience.

    In this day & age dealerships can’t afford to be judgemental – competition is fierce.

    Last edited by JGTI; 28-10-2010 at 06:16 AM.

  5. #885
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Penrith, NSW
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    I've just ditched the polo gti order and will be putting in an order for 3dr candy white GTI manual on Saturday. Quoted 40k drive away at the moment but will prolly add a few options too like larger wheels and whatnot. Is that a good price, also told won't be available till march/April ... Is that normal?


  6. #886
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Busby View Post
    They may ask for a letterhead from your hr dept for corporate price but say the original salesperson was taking care of that. Nuff said.

    14% off drive away?? Its possible! Fail to plan and you plan to fail.
    Pretty good deal (similar to mine minus the sunroof/dynaudio but add ACC and 5dr).
    You may still have to produce the Corp Letter though if it's based on that?
    Last edited by G-rig; 28-10-2010 at 06:43 AM.

  7. #887
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    Quote Originally Posted by Busby View Post
    Research this site ... Visit a dealership ... walk away. next dealer ... walk away... Rinse and repeat with another 6 or so dealerships... then put a random call to a REGIONAL dealership. .....simply walk away - rinse repeat. .
    I just don't get it.... I'm all for getting a competitive price and I'm impressed by what you've managed to achieve but if your time is worth so little how can you afford the car in the first place?

  8. #888
    Join Date
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    Sydney, Australia
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    Quote Originally Posted by JGTI View Post
    Hey guys,

    I acheived the following price on my purchase three months ago;

    GTI Black Mk VI
    3 door
    Tinted window

    Drive away price I obtained was $46,000. Using Corey’s awesome calculator, this represents a 15.45% saving.

    I visited all the Sydney dealers over a few months before i purchased. I walked in very casual each time as I wear a suit six days a week. As in previous posts, some dealers I did not like, some judged me (have i got the money) & others were just out right rude.

    I was abused at one dealership for taking a 45 minute test drive (my first in a GTI) and this was in front of fellow customers. I gave him a serve back & walked out disgusted (This dealership is close to an airport).

    I’m a GM & through my network I have referred four persons to the dealership where I purchased from – word of mouth is still the strongest form of advertising – and my words are still dirty for the dealership close to the airport as a result of my experience.

    In this day & age dealerships can’t afford to be judgemental – competition is fierce.

    Did you happen to get a hold of Inchcape Automotive Retail? They look after the Denlo Group as well as others. If you want more info I can give you the guys that set me up. Very professional and will be willing to work out a great deal with you.

  9. #889
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Is the leather trim really worth it over the tartan seats?

  10. #890
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Quote Originally Posted by whichonetoget View Post
    Is the leather trim really worth it over the tartan seats?
    You'll get half the people here saying leather (myself included) and the other half saying saying the cloth. Won't change the fact that it's your money and car!

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