I dont think that there is an issue with the price or the discount. I think the dealers have a bit more "room" to move with the GTI's in my experience.
When I was getting a GTI originally, I know I could get a much better price at about 3 different dealers, than the price I could get for the R (% wise).
About 16% for the GTI vs a lot less (undisclosed) for the R.
And as you can see the from kpatels name, If he is infact indian, he will be awesome at dealing by nature!!
Where some people dont have the barganing skills, nor the head, to deal.
Dealers are people too, and If they dont like you thats it. Out of the 4 dealers I went to, One in particular, (chatswood) would not budge and gave a deal that bad where I actually was going to buy a different car (I am that sensitive).
Where the others came within about $500 of each other and I just went with the best guy.
PS the wait for my car is killing me. I am bored as F%$# without it.