The GTI has been on sale in UK for some time and people are still waiting 7 months plus for their cars. The 850 cars here or on the way sounds like a lot but when you take into account (1) number already sold (2) number allocated as demos (3) allocation between states (4) proportion in the colour you want (5) proportion with manual/DSG (6) proportion of 5/3doors etc etc the chances of getting one off these shipments that matches your spec gets pretty low unless you are happy with a basic model (seem to be quite a few of them coming in).On sale now, there are 650 cars in the country and another 200 in transit – ‘on the water’."
In the Adelaide allocation from the first 650 cars, only one had 18" wheels and only one fully loaded (over $60k) had ACC.
Despite the GFC, I am guessing it will be a long wait if you want your GTI to match an exact spec unless you are very lucky.