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Thread: GOLF 6 118 TSI Supercharger clutch/water pump replacement

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Users Country Flag

    GOLF 6 118 TSI Supercharger clutch/water pump replacement

    Hi All,

    Given there isnt a useful step by step here it is:

    First I jacked up the car and took the wheel off.

    Then i took of the plastic engine cover on the top of the engine. Just pull up and then towards the bumper.

    Next was a piece of piping to the left of engine. Two screws at the back and one at the front. It lifts off but no need to disconect the wiring as it moves accross nicely.

    I then removed all plastic around the wheel to gain access. I also removed the plastic that goes at the bottom of the front end. Some sort of dirt protection to the bottom of the engine.

    The next step is to remove intake manifold plastic pipe which once wheel is removed becomes apparent. This piece of plastic goes up and behind the engine and joins a rubber hose at the back. It is held by three screws and two clamps. Bottom clamp is pull of type whilst top one is screw time for which i used 5c piece as it was facing the other way. Even undone this thing is hard to get out so I took of the auxilary belt. This is easily done from below. There is a tensioner there with a bolt. I used a ratched and a socket to pull on it and it came off easily.

    Also there is bracket/mount in the space where manifold pipe travels. it is an anwakward space and hard to reach. This wont let you remove that plastic pipe so this needs to come off. One needs 50 Torx in L shape to be able to axcess one bolt from bottom and one from top. Once this silver bracket is out I removed a sensor from the long plastic tube/intake pipe that i was trying to remove in the above paragraphs. Only then was i able to pull it out from underneath the vehicle. This needs time, patience and thought. Space is minimal and budget for cuts.

    The next step is to release cover for the supercharger in order to reach second belt between the charger and clutch/pump.
    There are two clips easily visible from underneath. I undid these and pulled the flap over the clips so the dont engage on their own. There is a third clip on top of the superchager and i had to go from underneath and hug the charger to reach it. I did this blind. Felt the little nipple and guided a flat small screwdriver in its directon. Once i felt that it engaged i turned the screwdriver and released. I was able to push the cover up a little and just enough to see the belt.

    I used ratchet again with a torx to pull on the tensioner and i wedged the butt of the ratchet with one of the other pulleys. this kept it in place and loosened the belt. Belt still wont come off. So I used another ratchet and torx key to remve one bolt from underneath and two from top. I also used L shaped pick to remove electric jack. This is done from behind the jack, not like other cars from front. Then it was a matter of going back under and pulling the clutch/pump off. I got covered in coolant so a bucket would be smart thing to have handy.

    Took me good 6 hours but i had no instructions. Going back in should be 2 hour job tops.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Nice work! thanks for the walk through, might come in handy soon!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Users Country Flag
    Any pics? Much easier for people to follow instructions when photos are showing the bits and pieces.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter

    Will adjust the original post with pics shortly. But anyone needing help can message me for a telephone number and I can guide you over the phone. Happy to help.
    Last edited by Rokstar76; 19-04-2017 at 09:46 AM.

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