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Thread: Golf 118TSI vs. 103TDI

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Condell Park, NSW
    Users Country Flag

    Golf 118TSI vs. 103TDI

    Hi Guys...

    In the coming weeks I'll be placing an order for a new Mk VI Golf (when I summon the courage to front up to a dealer!)... I've pretty much made a decision on the options I want (thanks too by the way for Chylld and his excellent Excel spreadsheet) I've yet to decide between the 118TSI and the 103TDI...

    While I understand the final decision rests wdith me and depends on my driving style, km per year etc. etc. I just need some info to help me in my decision - are major and minor service intervals the same for both engines? Does this apply to the big stuff as well such as cam belt replacements?

    I was unable to see this in the forum searches I did so my apologies if it has been answered before...


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    I've just looked at my service Handbook. It says that the toothed camshaft belt must be replaced at 120,000km for both petrol and diesel cars. The only differences are that the belt on the petrol engines must be inspected at 90,000km, and there is a requirement to drain water from the fuel filter on diesels every 15,000km; for which no doubt there will be an extra charge for both. All other service intervals are the same.
    For what it's worth, I agonised over the same decision. I found the diesel to be a bit quieter and I love the old school V8 like low down grunt. The 118 is a fantastic engine and does go harder if you work it.
    One diesel downside that is mentioned a bit is simply the re-fuelling. Because it doesn't evaporate, there is often a puddle of spilt diesel next to each bowser. Get it on your shoes and it goes into your carpets and stinks for days. You have to be careful, and this can be a deciding factor for many people, particularly women who tend to be a bit more fastidious with their clothing.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Rowville, Vic


    What? Ive got a diesel bug and have yet 2 encounter this problem. Half the diesel bowsers are incorporated into the regular unleaded bowsers anyway, so if it happens at all it will happen whatever fuel u use.
    Deep Black Mark VI Comfortline 118 tsi - manual/sports pack, MDI

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Ipswich, Qld
    I got the 103TDI, I've driven both and I enjoy the extra torque of the diesel.

    I also enjoyed the 1,200km I got out of my last tank of fuel, went to the Sunshine Coast twice this week, 380km round trip each time plus a weeks worth of local driving around the place.

    The biggest issue is having to wait to get to the limited diesel pumps at service stations, mind you I have noticed that the price of diesel doesn't jump around like petrol, it's been $1.21 over the Christmas period while the price of petrol have move between $1.20 and $1.33.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Mel, VIC
    had been thinking about diesel for a while..then ordered tsi118..just thinking my wife won't drive a lot and tsi118's engine is save a couple thousand..
    anyway both engines are great and i don't think u'll regret by choosing either one..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Rowville, Victoria


    Quote Originally Posted by hoi polloi View Post
    Hi Guys...

    Does this apply to the big stuff as well such as cam belt replacements?

    I was unable to see this in the forum searches I did so my apologies if it has been answered before...


    I'm sure I've read on another post and certainly in the press that the new 1.4 petrol and new common 2.0 lt diesel are timing chains that do not require replacement.

    I went the TDI three years ago and don't think I'll go back to petrol. By the way the life average consumption after 86,000km is 6.02lt/100 70% city driving measured using actual fuel in the car and not the trip computer that reads optimistic (in mine at least) by a minimum of 0.5 lt/100

    Quote Originally Posted by David Bird View Post
    The biggest issue is having to wait to get to the limited diesel pumps at service stations, mind you I have noticed that the price of diesel doesn't jump around like petrol, it's been $1.21 over the Christmas period while the price of petrol have move between $1.20 and $1.33.
    Come to Melbourne; there's no such wait in the Eastern Suburbs. Possibly due to the lower % of diesel vehicles

    Quote Originally Posted by mtaoz3 View Post
    I've just looked at my service Handbook. It says that the toothed camshaft belt must be replaced at 120,000km for both petrol and diesel cars. One diesel downside that is mentioned a bit is simply the re-fuelling. Because it doesn't evaporate, there is often a puddle of spilt diesel next to each bowser. .

    I pull up a bit further away from the pump to avoid this AND wear a rubber glove on the hand holding the nozzle

    Happy motoring!

    Cheers Neil.
    White MY23 Tiguan 147 TDI Elegance (mine)
    White MY21 Tiguan 147 TDI Elegance (wife)
    Gone - Wheat Beige MY07 Jetta TDI manual

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    If the TDI model you are looking at has a DPF these can be a bit temperamental if you do a lot of stop-start driving in heavy traffic. The soot builds up in the DPF and they need a decent run (15+ mins at 2,000+rpm) to do a "regeneration" at regular intervals to burn off the accumulated soot. If you don't/can't do this you can ruin the very expensive DPF.

    The previous PD 125Kw TDI engine had many owners unhappy with this 'characteristic'.

    If you don't have to drive in heavy traffic much then choose the engine that you like to drive the most (and they are very different to drive).

    If you do lots of kms the reduced fuel consumption of the TDI can become a factor.
    2017 MY18 Golf R 7.5 Wolfsburg wagon (boring white) delivered 21 Sep 2017, 2008 Octavia vRS wagon 2.0 TFSI 6M (bright yellow), 2006 T5 Transporter van 2.5 TDI 6M (gone but not forgotten).

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Hoi Polloi,

    Just buy both......
    MY09 Silver Leaf 118TSI DSG, & MY09 Candy White 103TDI DSG

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by mtaoz3 View Post
    I've just looked at my service Handbook. It says that the toothed camshaft belt must be replaced at 120,000km for both petrol and diesel cars. The only differences are that the belt on the petrol engines must be inspected at 90,000km, and there is a requirement to drain water from the fuel filter on diesels every 15,000km; for which no doubt there will be an extra charge for both. All other service intervals are the same.
    For what it's worth, I agonised over the same decision. I found the diesel to be a bit quieter and I love the old school V8 like low down grunt. The 118 is a fantastic engine and does go harder if you work it.
    One diesel downside that is mentioned a bit is simply the re-fuelling. Because it doesn't evaporate, there is often a puddle of spilt diesel next to each bowser. Get it on your shoes and it goes into your carpets and stinks for days. You have to be careful, and this can be a deciding factor for many people, particularly women who tend to be a bit more fastidious with their clothing.
    The 118tsi certainly does go harder, me and my mate both have Mk 6's but his is diesel DSG mine in Manual 118 tsi. The Tsi is also MUCH! quieter, specially at idle.

    6 Sp Manual 118 TSi
    Colour: United Grey
    Build Date: August 09 Delivery Date: 16th Oct 09
    ODO at last fill: 2555km
    Avg Fuel Cons at last fill: 8.6

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    TSI, and use the money saved to get Stage 1 APR! Not that I'm biased
    Scirocco R | DSG | 19" Talladegas | Viper Green
    MkVI Golf 118TSI | 6spd Man | 17" Classixs | APR Stage I
    MkV Jetta 2.0 TFSI | DSG | 18" Charlestons | APR Stage II

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