Oh and before someone asks, yes I've checked the oil levels and they are ok
Hey all,
Ok, so after having erratic rain sensors, a faulty supercharger clutch, vanity light that wouldn't go out, blown speakers, a bonnet that doesn't line up and RNS 510 switching off as it feels. I have now got yet another problem.
Before I got my car serviced a few weeks back i had a loud ticking sound when i started my car up from cold, thought nothing of it but got them to check it out, and in the usual Bill Buckle standard they said no fault found.
After the service I did a recent trip to Brissie via the buckets way and all other non highway road, all in all about 1900k's to Brisbane alone.
I started the car from standing outside at one of the many motels we stayed in along the way one morning, and noticed the ticking is even louder. Like a clattery lifter sound. So next morning I got a video so I could show them when i got back to Sydney ( along with one of the two speakers they replaced still being stuffed)
It is really noticeable and can listen in the video below.
Has anyone else had this problem?
Last edited by Stoney!; 01-06-2010 at 01:27 AM.
6 Sp Manual 118 TSi
Colour: United Grey
Build Date: August 09 Delivery Date: 16th Oct 09
ODO at last fill: 2555km
Avg Fuel Cons at last fill: 8.6
Oh and before someone asks, yes I've checked the oil levels and they are ok
6 Sp Manual 118 TSi
Colour: United Grey
Build Date: August 09 Delivery Date: 16th Oct 09
ODO at last fill: 2555km
Avg Fuel Cons at last fill: 8.6
These TSI engines are fairly 'clattery' for the first few seconds after startup. I noticed that your recording finished shortly after starting. How long does the noise persist for?
That doesn't sound unusually rattley to me, though it's hard to tell from the video. I haven't listened to mine from a cold start from outside the car so can't say whether it's the same or not. It's absolutely nothing compared to the rough idle that the Ford Focus engine has when it's cold, though.
Golf 118 TSI DSG, white with sports pack.
Put it this way, it sounds like the lifters on my old 25 year old cressida. Never sounded like this before.
It dies off just before the video ends. Theres no oil in the top end on start up. Foreman said it not right, but they don't know whats wrong and have to send the video to VW.
6 Sp Manual 118 TSi
Colour: United Grey
Build Date: August 09 Delivery Date: 16th Oct 09
ODO at last fill: 2555km
Avg Fuel Cons at last fill: 8.6
Any updates? Judging from your post in the other thread, it seems like they haven't fixed the problem for two months now (!?)
'The other thread' is of course the Why you need to use 504/507 oils in FSI/TSI/TDI engines! thread, specifically posts 32, 33 and 34.
Please continue the rattle based discussion in this thread![]()
For the tinkerers; To eliminate the noise (if it is caused by lack of oil)
you can install "oil accumulator" (Amsoil or similar brand). At the moment you turn the ignition "ON" The oil accumulator will return oil pressure it has stored after you turned the engine off back to the lubricating system, so nothing will running dry during starting and couple second afterward.
Performance Tunes from $850Wrecking RS OCTAVIA 2 Link
lol sounds like a diesel to me. Sure its not an Isuzu 400 motor in there?
I had the same rattle on cold start. I reported my concerns to the VW dealership mechanic and they responded saying that the loud rattle on start up is normal operation of the vehicle with the following quote "Can confirm metallic rattling from engine during cold start, test against stock vehicle in dealership, normal operation of vehicle found. ECU increases boost pressure at idle to heat up engine for emissions. The rattle heard is the turbo charge under slight lod. Unable to fault all ok"
I am concerned as if the noise is normal operation then why has it occurred only recently. Can other 118TSI owners please confirm whether or not they are experiencing this same loud rattle on cold start. The noise is rather loud, to the point where I get strange looks from nearby bystanders every time I start my car.
The noise I experience is identical to that posted by Stoney, a 5 sec rattle on every cold start.
Last edited by mudguts; 10-07-2011 at 05:20 PM.