I didn't misquote you, you did say it was a rubbish car.
But in the end, you are not the only person allowed an opinion. It is my opinion that your assumption is flawed, and I'm entitled to that.
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I didn't misquote you, you did say it was a rubbish car.
But in the end, you are not the only person allowed an opinion. It is my opinion that your assumption is flawed, and I'm entitled to that.
you are kidding right? missing the first few words from my line is certainly misquoting. I actually wasn't sure about the technical side of things there and asked my wife who has a degree in journalism and sub edits for a living. So lets be very clear: you misquoted me:
Corey: Take your insulting "the 118TSI is a rubbish car" elsewhere.
Original: "My main point was not that the 118TSI is a rubbish car"
i never disagreed with your comments re the OP, i take exception with the way you put your opinion across. brow beating and wagging your know all finger at me (with a "well duh" comment chucked in for good measure) just makes you look like a tosser and above all an absolute embarrassment to the concept of being a moderator.
Ah, I apologise, you did have the word "not" there. I missed that when I made my post at 4:37pm.
Still. I'm entitled to an opinion and you have no right to tell me to go elsewhere, as you did this morning. If you can't handle someone disagreeing with your opinion, then don't start a thread on the topic!
I'll say it once more for the dummies: I didn't mind being disagreed with- it was your delivery that sucked. I'm no delicate flower who needs to be tippy toed around but I am an adult who is long out of school and I don't need the smart arse comments. especially from a damn mod.
Moderaters should be moderate, that's what I say....(ducking)
Well kevvie, maybe you would like to start donating some substantial money for the hiring of moderators that aren't VW enthusiasts, and therefore aren't interested in the discussion, and just moderate and nothing else...
... yet back in the real world...
The reality is, all the moderators are here, because they're Volkswagen owners and enthusiasts who originally came here to discuss their passion. That is unlikely to change any time soon. To expect them to stop discussing Volkswagens when they become moderators is unreasonable and selfish. But that's just my opinion :)
Corey, I think what the guys are trying to say is that you shouldn't allow your opinions to colour your judgement when it comes to moderation. i.e. we know you love your Golf R but when that love makes you come down hard on negative views of the MkVI or R, then you cease to be neutral/indifferent. It doesn't mean that you have to stop discussing the cars if you are a mod, just don't let your biases rule/determine what is being discussed.
IMO in the past you have been fairer than most mods but since getting the R, let just say that you have become very "passionate".
Marius - I get what you're saying about the 118 - but if you get the APR (or any decent) ECU mod you will find that both the noise, power-delivery, and fun of the car increases well beyond what you could expect from a bit of software (then again, maybe not, since you say the GT Sport is apparently like that). The only thing I miss are paddles, but the refinement (and cool steering wheel) make the car more suited for more occasions (depending on who your passengers are, I guess) :)
The other day I decided give the kick-down switch a trial while doing about 65 in 5th - it immediately dropped to 2nd and delivered an excellent punch to the guts (in search of better wording). Manual mode is just as fun - you can use 3rd gear from low speeds all the way up to around 110 in not much time at all.
The car is sedate when stock, but it has the potential, and having a "Comfortline" is a nice way to save on Insurance or be inconspicuous on other occasions when desired. :)
Ryan: that's my next hope- to do a trial run of apr software in my GT and also to drive a 118 w APR.
I drove a mates stage2 R the other day.... It's damn fast (makes a stock S3 feel placid!) - he actually thinks he may have modded too far!!
to the point where he finds the exhaust pop (dsg) too aggressive and loud... Thinks he may have turned his (relative) sleeper into a bit of a German ricer (his words not mine).
FWIW, I test drove an APR'd GT TSI and I felt the difference was neligible. There was a abit more grunt in the midrange.