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I'm sure it drives better than those cars you tested because it is a good car - no question about it. It is even technically better than the GT from a refinement standpoint. But that is what is "wrong" with it IMO. It is not as good as the GT in the fun stakes.
So if I were you, I would not test drive the GT because, if you are happy with the car now, there is no point doing so. Ignorance in this case is bliss - be happy with what you have. And I am not being sarcastic when I write this.
I have been testing a lot of cars as a possible replacement for the two cars we own because we believe in not keeping our cars more than 3 years due to the massive depreciation after that. But we haven't been able to find a suitable replacement/s as our main requirement now is that the cars have to be fun to drive and the only suitable replacements are either too expensive without providing much of a difference (Golf R) or too small (Polo 77TSI) and expensive wrt to value - circa $25K.