Originally Posted by
Adding another lemon to the list
My VW Golf TSI118 I bought brand new in 2010, had the engine light come on back on Boxing Day. After getting it towed back to VW dealer I originally purchased from, they have confirmed the #4 piston head is cracked and they'll need to rebuild the engine. The good will claim to VW got knocked back because the car is "too old". It's just done over 100,000 kms. What a joke.
If you can prove it has a valid service history then I'd go to the ACCC and find out what your options are. I'd then pay for an official looking letter from a solicitor sent via registered post.
It might take months and can u afford to be without the car for that long?
I'd also contact VW direct - in writing.
carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums