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Thread: Golf 118 TSI Engine Failures and Service Campaign 24S4

  1. #941
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    Quote Originally Posted by tigger73 View Post
    What you want to get from VW before you start with diagnostics is the best/worst case in terms of your out of pocket costs.

    That way you can work out whether to go down that path or to just source a second-hand engine and get an independent workshop to fit it.
    Probably the best idea before you enter into that pit of dispair.

    If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit

  2. #942
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    Quote Originally Posted by nperkins View Post
    Scorpio9, I am interested in such. I agree that there is power in numbers. How many more are interested ?
    Well - that makes two of us! A legal firm might take on a case like this if it felt it could throw the resources at it to good effect, and had a sufficient number of clients. It would be interesting to know the percentage of failed engines. It seems to me that VW knew of the problem long before it ceased to sell this engine - or modify it. That VW has acted in scurrilous fashion for years on other matters - diesel engine emissions - helps to establish a broader case for illegal, or at least disingenuous, company behaviour.

  3. #943
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    Quote Originally Posted by nperkins View Post
    The response I get is:

    We are always here to help as best we can however we are unable to offer any assistance without a full diagnosis and quotation. In your case, we know the vehicle has low compression but we don’t know the extent of the damage nor what has caused the loss of compression without removing the cylinder head. Until we have written authorisation from yourself as the owner of the vehicle and acceptance of our diagnostic charge we are unable to start this process.

    They are seeking $1760 to diagnose the engine fault and are claiming no responsibility until I am prepared to pay this, which I am not.
    Quote Originally Posted by nperkins View Post
    As your vehicle's factory warranty has expired in 2013, we cannot cover for the cost of diagnosis.
    No assistance can be provided yet, as we require your vehicle to be diagnosed with one of our service centres at our Volkswagen dealerships.
    So we can determine the exact cause/source of the problem.

    We can not provide yourself with a loan vehicle.
    Does anyone know if you MUST go to a VW dealership to get a diagnosis that will satisfy VW Australia?...especially if the vehicle is out of warranty...That seems like some sort of restriction of trade.

    A diagnosis from a reputable mechanic (say, an NRMA-approved mechanic in NSW or an RAA-approved mechanic in SA) ought to be enough - and will likely cost less than $1760 - especially since the mechanic will know what to look for.

    I'm not saying it can be done that way - but it might be worth enquiring, or insisting with VWA, that you should be allowed to go down this path - always provided VWA is prepared to pick up the tab if it proves to be the problem it almost certainly is. (If the car were under warranty, I guess it would be a different story, since the terms of the warranty would no doubt tie you to a VW dealer.)

    If it turns out to be a different problem, then you've paid out less money, the car is in the hands of a mechanic that you trust, and the money hasn't gone into the hands of a company and its agents that you're cranky with.
    Last edited by Scorpius9; 08-10-2016 at 06:14 PM.

  4. #944
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    You can get to the pistons from below with this engine.

    Tell them to unbolt the gearbox, crankshaft pulley, drop the sump, unbolt the crankshaft and conrods and just pull the pistons out from underneath.
    That's half the work to get to the pistons - and hence half the diagnostic fee.

    It will be the pistons that have cracked....hell they will probably see the cracked pistons with a borescope through the spark plug holes.

    They just need to stop being morons and diagnose this thing like any sensible mechanic would and not follow some ridiculous diagnostic procedure that has you disassembling the entire engine.

  5. #945
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    Yes, they are being morons - from the very sensible and strictly mechanical point of view of diagnosis and repair.

    But that's not the business model being used here. The business model being used is in one which, for one thing, workshop services at dealerships are kept ticking over, and the very high costs paid by us punters for those services minus whatever costs VWA has to pay out under warranties and 'goodwill' still maximises profits for both.

    They also know what percentage of engines are having this problem, when they're having them, how much a recall would cost, whether or not they can get away without having a recall, and will have a strategy in place to...let's put it euphemistically...'minimise negative impacts to the company'.

    There are already many people on this thread who have given up and put in second-hand engines, with little or no compensation from VWA. I know of other people - not on this thread - who have put in up to three engines without bothering with VWA at all. All of these cases are wins for VWA - and VWA will be well aware of this.

    Oh yes - don't worry - they will have calculated a value for the longterm damage to the company with respect to these failed engines and its effects on market sales...

    And taking into consideration all of these things, VW has adopted the strategy it has.

  6. #946
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    The best outcome is to get some form of commitment from VWA before heading down the path of a $2k diagnosis.

    They should be able to tell you by the age of the vehicle, km and service history what you are going to be offered in terms of goodwill repair.

    You can then determine whether to tip the $ into diagnosis at a dealer or go the second-hand engine route at a reputable independent.

    2017 Tiguan Sportline - Tigger73's 162TSI Sportline

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  7. #947
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    Quote Originally Posted by nperkins View Post
    Waz, I'd be keen to understand more about your experience, which is a contrast to the experience I am getting from VW Australia, which despite, being a loyal VW customer for 20 years with also a new Tiguan in the family, has been a response about getting a Mk6 Golf 118TSI engine properly diagnosed being the below.

    As your vehicle's factory warranty has expired in 2013, we cannot cover for the cost of diagnosis.
    No assistance can be provided yet, as we require your vehicle to be diagnosed with one of our service centres at our Volkswagen dealerships.
    So we can determine the exact cause/source of the problem.

    We can not provide yourself with a loan vehicle.

    If there is any guidance you can provide that would be useful.

    Hi there,

    Well well I am
    Not sure where to start. The car is still at VW castle hill waiting for a diagnostic check. I spoke to VW Australia before taking my car to the service centre. The service centre has been extremely difficult and now over two months and they started the checks. Ow. My car has only done under 60ks, I put it to them how it is, it doesn't meet the consumer expectation regarding quality. I have contacted ACCC who have advised that me that I do have rights to contact the manufacturer first hand and ask them for repair which I did. I haven't lodged a good will claim as yet as I need to wait for the so called diagnostic check.

    Bottom line is how you have kept the car, how ks and regular servicing. I think it's crap that they use the servicing of car being done somewhere else as an excuse of so many engines breaking down.

    I have contacted a federal government body who has advised me that if we all lodged complaint about the same problem then the issue will be investigated and they may call VW for a recall on these cars.

  8. #948
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    I guess at the end of the day it depends on how much noise we can make. It's unfair and unacceptable for an engine to die so early in life.

    I would also suggest for everyone to start reading cases where we can share here and use them to back up our argument.

    There are cases on the nsw or any other state tribunal websites as well as austli website.
    Last edited by Waz; 14-10-2016 at 10:08 PM.

  9. #949
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    Apr 2010
    Any updates to share? I'm still waiting for a response to the claim a dealer has submitted for my car (which was re-diagnosed by the dealer last Friday).

  10. #950

    So even tho I have issues with my newly acquired 2010 Golf TSI, the mere fact it's done 190,000 and still running is def a plus it appears! ...

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