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Thread: Golf 118 TSI Engine Failures and Service Campaign 24S4

  1. #771
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    Expect the worst then
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  2. #772
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    Quote Originally Posted by kyubi View Post
    It is the 118tsi, what does that mean lol

    Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk
    Get your mechanic to check the compression on all cylinders. The 118TSI engine is very well known to have a multitude of engine issues.

    How many km's has the car done?
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  3. #773
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    Hmm ok.. 90,000+

    Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk

  4. #774
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    Take some brave pills and read the threads on the 118 in the Mark VI Golf section. They will not make you happy but you should know what the issues are. On the positive side VW may help depending on the car's history.

  5. #775
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    If you've had it serviced on time at a VW dealer since new you should be able to get part or all costs reimbursed, depending on the problem.

    I recently blew my engine to smithereens, 2011 GTI with about 84,000km. It was caused by a known manufacturing defect on the engine timing system. As I had my GTI serviced at VW on time every time since new, and because my wife also has a newish VW serviced on time every time at VW, the repairs, a new engine, ($11,000 worth) were covered in full by VW Australia, without any real arguments. Dealer was very supportive.

    If it turns out to be a big issue and you haven't had it serviced by a VW dealer but the servicing has been done on time by a suitably qualified mechanic with proper parts and flyids etc, car hasn't been mis treated etc, AND the problem was caused by a known manufacturing defect, they may still assist you in some way, and you would probably have some support from provisions in Australian Consumer Law with respect to warranty, and goods being "fit for purpose" and free from "defects from manufacture".

    Good luck, I hope it goes well for you.
    Last edited by Tobes_WIR35; 24-03-2015 at 09:13 PM.

  6. #776
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    Thanks for the info guys, I'll look into all this tomorrow. Unfortunately it hasn't been serviced by vw since new but it does have a full service history by other qualified mechanics. Hopefully the repairs aren't too unreasonable, my poor uni student wallet can't cope with this!

  7. #777
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    For those reading this thread and overcome with misery at the 118 TSI mess they think they've landed in I can assure you that it doesn't need to be a bankrupting experience (relative to your finances of course), at least as far as the engine is concerned. I had an APR stage 1 remap on a 2009 118 TSI that was losing compression, especially on cylinders 2 and 3 at ~80,000km.

    I wasn't about to go crying back to VAG with a car out of warranty, a remap and no stealership service history so I shopped around and found a late 2011 engine at Landmark with ~20,000km for $2,000 and a 3 month warranty. I had my local mechanic who has some 118 TSI experience do the install and all up it cost $3,200 and was off the road for 4 days. Replacement engine runs like new and the old engine is in the garage and ready to be rebuilt should any dramas happen out of warranty down the track.

    These cars get a bad wrap, no doubt due to the 7 speed DSG issue combined with the twin charge engine dramas out there and while i have a manual and can't speak of the DSG side, I have to say the whole engine replacement experience wasn't that bad.

    It's important to remember that you can and probably will get burned in any car. I had a center diff blow on a G3 WRX, apparently due to one tyre being replaced before the others (WTF!?), $3,100. A Toyota hilux D4D turbo failure $1,400 at the same time as the neighbours D4D injector failure that cost them $3,000. Both trucks under 150,000km.

    Perhaps having an Alfa for a first car made me more tolerant but even after this experience I love my 118 (158 ) TSI and the way it supercharges past turbo lag.

  8. #778
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    118TSI issue

    Hey guys,

    Hoping you might be able to provide some assistance with an issue I've had.

    Picked up my later model 2011 118 TSI Golf early last year. Had only done 15000k and nabbed it for a bargain price. Although I knew about engine issues with the 118's I thought they were pre-2011.

    Car drove well though had to have an oil leak fixed and a turbo seal replaced in the first 10 months. Fast forward to earlier this year and the car randomly stalled and started to shake while stationary. Took it to VW and found there was no compressed air into one of the cylinders. VW took the car for 2 weeks and stipped/rebuilt the engine. Was only 2 months left on the warranty so got lucky.

    Fast forward to today and I'm at the lights and I notice the car start shaking. Looked at the dash and the engine light was flashing. Quickly got through the lights and pulled over. Managed to drive home with no issues and noticed no shaking or light re-appear.

    Do you think the same thing is happening again? Or have people had this symptom appear and be something else?

    Before I take it into the shop I just thought I'd see

    Thanks guys,


  9. #779
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    Hi Michael,
    It sounds like the dreaded cracked piston or related loss of compression issue with the 118TSI engines. If the car had a history of regular maintenance at VW dealerships then VW will generally come to the party to foot part or all of the repair costs like they did to my 2009 118TSI Golf which developed a cracked No.1 piston at 50,000km. Prior to that they had replaced the faulty DSG megatronics unit and clutches when the car developed the transmission shuddering problem at 35,000km. Because I religiously had my Golf serviced at VW dealerships, VW, to their credit, footed the bill in whole for all the major repairs. I didn't have to pay a cent. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones but I must give VW Australia a big thumbs up for acknowledging these design faults with their DSG transmission and twin charger engines. Oh and a big thanking you to my local VW dealer for supporting me and putting a good case for me with VW Australia each time the faults occurred.

    When I had the engine problem, my car was at the dealer for more than 6 weeks, they replaced all the pistons and injectors. Driving my car now I noticed my fuel consumption has gone up from around 6.7 l/100km to 8.4 l/100km. I guess it due to the new piston rings bedding in and I wonder if they had made the fuel mixture richer now to lower the combustion temperature which I read was partially causing the pistons to crack from thermal stress.
    Last edited by GolfAtom; 08-09-2015 at 09:05 PM.

  10. #780
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mk R View Post
    ... but even after this experience I love my 118 (158 ) TSI and the way it supercharges past turbo lag.
    Totally, agree!! The throttle response of the 118TSI engine is almost as good NA sports engine. Sad to see VW confine the twin charger engine to history.

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