This has been an interesting thread so far, and I thought to add my little bit.
What would be the long-term effect of running one of these engines on lower octane fuel?
Not necessarily 100% ULP, just an under spec. mixture.
It seems the pistons aren't melting (a frequent result of excessively lean mixture, albeit usually accompanied by burnt valves), and prolonged detonation might well cause ring lands to fracture.
This wouldn't necessarily mean the vehicle owner economising on fuel, either.
Many years ago (before the advent of unleaded) I had quite a bit of involvement with the petrol reselling industry and it wasn't at all rare to visit a site in the wee sma' hours and see a bowser busily transferring its load to another tank.
If asked, the story was always that the tank was nearly empty and the tanker wasn't due yet.
Odd that it was always a 'standard' pump, though.
I don't suppose the leopard's changed its spots all that much down the years...