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Thread: First service at 7,500 km?

  1. #71
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    Jan 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by Diesel_vert View Post
    The Time/Distance Regime is a fixed service schedule of 15,000 km/1 year intervals. The conditions Volkswagen have outlined here are the "severe conditions" you asked about - as driving in Sydney or Melbourne will attest. You can see why Volkswagen decided not to implement the LL Regime here - we city folk basically operate under severe conditions most of the time.]
    The Volkswagen manuals state 15,000km or 1 year service intervals but under under severe conditions more frequent servicing is required.

    We all know 504 00/507 00 oils can hack it, but we don't know if all 502 00 oils can do likewise (LL Regimes didn't exist when 502 00 was conceived). And since we don't know, then I can see why you feel the need to halve the recommended interval.
    The oil doesn't come into it, the manual states more frequent servicing if the car is driven under severe conditions.

    If the owner chooses to do extra oil changes this is their choice, changing every 7,500km or 6 months is NOT overkill and especially important in the higher powered engines (more so if they are chipped).

    More dealers are using 504.00/507.00 oils across the board (except in a few specific models) in their servicing and I would expect over time they will all use 504.00/507.00 oils.

    504.00/507.00 isn't a magic elixir, like all oils it holds contaminants, it breaks down and it requires replacement. It may last longer than a 502.00 but under severe conditions the manufacturers instructions which are detailed in black and white in the manual and service software should be followed.

    Volkswagen like all manufacturers are under pressure to build greener cars, extended intervals and no 1000km oil change are more to do with reducing oil usage than saving us money and those that keep their car long term would be advised to perform extra oil changes due to the low cost.

  2. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maverick View Post
    If the owner chooses to do extra oil changes this is their choice, changing every 7,500km or 6 months is NOT overkill and especially important in the higher powered engines (more so if they are chipped).
    Of course. Those with modified vehicles are expected to service their car more frequently, at their discretion.

    Quote Originally Posted by Maverick View Post
    Volkswagen like all manufacturers are under pressure to build greener cars, extended intervals and no 1000km oil change are more to do with reducing oil usage than saving us money...
    Indeed, manufacturers are heading that way (which is no bad thing IMHO), but it doesn't mean these new challenges haven't been met.

    I've visited the forums at TDIClub and made two observations which are relevant to us.

    1. Over a period of more than two years worth of UOA's, the general consensus is that 504/507 oils better protect the engine than the previous 505 01 oils - despite the lower viscosity (30 vs 40), SAPS restriction, lower TBN and (sometimes) fuel economy gains.

    - We see here that 504/507 enables better protection (tick) and has better environmental credentials. (tick)

    2. From the UOA's that I've seen using these oils, there were some which indicated the oil was near its limit at 9,000 mi (14,000 km), and some which indicated the oil would be good for 15,000 mi (24,000 km). But most were good for around the 10~12,000 mi (16~19,000 km) mark.

    - This is real world data showing how well suited these oils are for 15,000 km drain intervals - at least for TDI's, because finding UOA's on FSI engines using 504/507 oils seem to be rarer.

  3. #73
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    Lots of info here chaps but I have a 7mth old Tiguan 103TDI and have done 9000kms having been too busy at Christmas to get the oil changed. One guy at the dealer says leave it until 15000kms and the other guy says maybe get it done. I ran my Tiguan on Shell Diesel for 5 mths before swapping to Caltex Diesel Premium Vortex and now I am perplexed as what to do? Is the Diesel in Aust high sulphur? Maybe I get the oil changed at 10000kms anyway? I have been told the oil is thinner from the factory fill and is a mix of mineral oil/synthetic and helps bed in the rings so maybe there is merit in this theory.

    Anyone willing to provide ideas which way I should proceed? Thanks
    TIGUAN MY09 103 TDI auto, White,18in Alloys,MDI ,Bk Leather, Comfort Pack, Park Assist, Fog Lights, Sun-roof & Tow Bar / VW roof racks running Goodyear Assymetric 2 Tyres
    GOLF 7 MY14.5 Pure White,TDI Bi-Xenon, S/roof,Adaptive CC, DAP, Leather, Pirelli Tyres

  4. #74
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    Diesel in Australia is higher sulphur than Europe. I believe that the BP Ultimate Diesel is one of the first 'low sulphur' diesels in Australia, but it's not that wide spread yet. I haven't personally heard (or maybe I haven't been paying attention) to what Shell and Caltex are up to with their diesel fuels.

    As for this debate... do what the manual says - VW Australia will honour the warranty as long as you've followed that

  5. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by coreying View Post
    Diesel in Australia is higher sulphur than Europe. I believe that the BP Ultimate Diesel is one of the first 'low sulphur' diesels in Australia, but it's not that wide spread yet. I haven't personally heard (or maybe I haven't been paying attention) to what Shell and Caltex are up to with their diesel fuels.
    By law from 1 January 2009, Australian diesel (and likewise in the EU) cannot have sulfur levels exceeding 10 ppm. BP released it prior to the deadline. Caltex was granted an extension until its refineries were up to 10 ppm sulfur standards (mid-2009). Apart from that, our diesel is very much comparable with the EU. In fact, our petrol is now the dirtier fuel as it still allows 50 ppm of sulfur (EU allows 10 ppm for petrol). These measures were created to reduce particulate matter (PM) emitted from diesel exhaust and prevent the new diesel particulate filters (DPF) from clogging up, but had the side benefit of reducing acid buildup in the engine oil, thus allowing extended drain intervals, even with lower TBN.

    As for your car Bayman, Volkswagen's 15,000 km/1 year recommendation is quite alright, as proved by the guys over at TDIClub forums (great knowledge base for all things TDI). Save your time and resources on using the car regularly.

  6. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diesel_vert View Post
    As for your car Bayman, Volkswagen's 15,000 km/1 year recommendation is quite alright, as proved by the guys over at TDIClub forums (great knowledge base for all things TDI). Save your time and resources on using the car regularly.
    Thanks Diesel_vert for your comments. Seems after checking out Caltex and BP websites that ultra low sulphur Diesel fuel is now the norm except BP is slow in spreading their Ultimate down to Victoria. It appears since 2008 fuel price scare, the diesel take up with vehicles and hence fuel outlets has slowed somewhat. The cleaning action of these newer fuels hopefully works as well to keep the engine cleaner.

    After even further checks of these forums, it appears your comments hold true but VW need to possibly do better in explaining the truth of the first oil change with new car buyers, rather than just put the fear up "should I - shouldn't I" do a 7500kms oil change. As for subsequent oil changes quite happy to do 15,000kms. After running a 2.5L V6 Telstar for 16 years on Mobil 1 oil since new with its tiny oil passages, I never had any issues doing 10,000 or greater oil changes so I am sold on the ability of modern synthetic oils to withstand greater kms as long as better fuels are used as well. I just hope this factory fill oil is true and not some myth the dealers promote to make one hand over the $280 for a oil change. I'll keep dieseling on then Cheers!
    TIGUAN MY09 103 TDI auto, White,18in Alloys,MDI ,Bk Leather, Comfort Pack, Park Assist, Fog Lights, Sun-roof & Tow Bar / VW roof racks running Goodyear Assymetric 2 Tyres
    GOLF 7 MY14.5 Pure White,TDI Bi-Xenon, S/roof,Adaptive CC, DAP, Leather, Pirelli Tyres

  7. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bayman View Post
    Lots of info here chaps but I have a 7mth old Tiguan 103TDI and have done 9000kms having been too busy at Christmas to get the oil changed. One guy at the dealer says leave it until 15000kms and the other guy says maybe get it done. I ran my Tiguan on Shell Diesel for 5 mths before swapping to Caltex Diesel Premium Vortex and now I am perplexed as what to do? Is the Diesel in Aust high sulphur? Maybe I get the oil changed at 10000kms anyway? I have been told the oil is thinner from the factory fill and is a mix of mineral oil/synthetic and helps bed in the rings so maybe there is merit in this theory.

    Anyone willing to provide ideas which way I should proceed? Thanks
    Since the everyone driving conditions are different, get the UOA done for a couple of oil changes and then make you decision

    In case of my T5 I did 2x UOA, and I am changing engine oil every 7,500km.
    Last edited by Transporter; 19-01-2010 at 07:29 AM.

  8. #78
    Join Date
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    Sydney, NSW

    I have read somewhere (perhaps the manual) first service at 15,000kms or 12 months whatever comes first.

    With a service/check-up at 7,500kms or 6 months whatever comes first, basically check fluid levels and top up as required.

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