The Volkswagen manuals state 15,000km or 1 year service intervals but under under severe conditions more frequent servicing is required.
The oil doesn't come into it, the manual states more frequent servicing if the car is driven under severe conditions.Quote:
We all know 504 00/507 00 oils can hack it, but we don't know if all 502 00 oils can do likewise (LL Regimes didn't exist when 502 00 was conceived). And since we don't know, then I can see why you feel the need to halve the recommended interval.
If the owner chooses to do extra oil changes this is their choice, changing every 7,500km or 6 months is NOT overkill and especially important in the higher powered engines (more so if they are chipped).
More dealers are using 504.00/507.00 oils across the board (except in a few specific models) in their servicing and I would expect over time they will all use 504.00/507.00 oils.
504.00/507.00 isn't a magic elixir, like all oils it holds contaminants, it breaks down and it requires replacement. It may last longer than a 502.00 but under severe conditions the manufacturers instructions which are detailed in black and white in the manual and service software should be followed.
Volkswagen like all manufacturers are under pressure to build greener cars, extended intervals and no 1000km oil change are more to do with reducing oil usage than saving us money and those that keep their car long term would be advised to perform extra oil changes due to the low cost.