Not sure if I can show pics...
I have tried taking photo's, but the glare from my once lovely paintwork stops the damage from showing up in a pic! Also, it has been raining here on and off, so while the car is wet you don't see the extent of damage - in fact it looks fine till it partially dries!
Thanks for the directions Ozvino.... maybe it won't be such an trek out to Preston after all.
Spook, I was hoping that damage to the roof might write it off, but I have had a number of friends tell me that their Insurance companies are opting to repair rather than write off - despite any damage to the roof of their car. Whether or not the fact that my car is only 4 weeks old makes any difference is yet to be determined. I'm hoping it's more viable for them to sell it at auction, still get a reasonable price for it and replace it for me.
Deep Black Mark VI Comfortline 118 tsi - manual/sports pack, MDI