I think that is deemed as acceptable... Not sure. I never really had the oil consumption test - gave up on it and actually trying to get them to acknowledge it.
I get my car serviced every 7500kms, but not from the dealer anymore. Keep a 1L bottle of oil in the boot (fits in little side pocket perfectly) and I easily go though that every few thousand kms. Joys of VW
but yes I will buy VW again maybe, but it will be an R.
I still love my car and wash is every weekend and get a smile on my face when taking off from the lights 
Oh and the recall on the DSG seems to have made it shudder worse! - clutch packs replace twice prior.. And water pump twice as well hahaha joys of new car ownership!
Last edited by Bel; 16-11-2013 at 09:02 PM.
MY14 Audi S3 - Misano Red, S-tronic, Performance pack with parade red trim.